Dino Ironbody

I don't think Alex is good enough at appearing normal to hide how crazy he is.

I don't expect any of his followers to change their minds, but I think it might show people who don't know who he is just how vile he is. I don't see why people who say "I don't know about this Alex Jones guy" would turn in favor of him because they saw him screaming hatred on a network show. Also, I don't buy the

I doubt there are many people who aren't already fans of his who would find his rhetoric appealing.

Alex Jones himself said the interview made him look bad(of course he said they made him look bad unfairly). I don't think he's as good at appearing normal as someone like Putin.

I understand why Newtown wouldn't want to show this, but I disagree with the idea that it's bad for NBC to give him a platform at all. I think giving him a bigger platform with which to embarrass himself might show a lot of people who've only vaguely heard of him just how vile he is.

What I meant by "engaging" was trying to understand/influence his audience. I hope he didn't just berate them because I don't see how that would sway anyone.

"strategic advisor and senior speechwriter to General David Petraeus in Afghanistan"

Yeah, and I wouldn't wish any hatred on him even if he was solely responsible for the character.

Can you name any non-totalitarian communist governments?

How do you think we should've dealt with the USSR?

Maybe, but how much did he actually succeed in engaging with hostile audiences?

You don't have to be a tankie to be overly concerned about "trying to stoke a new cold war" with a tyrannical regime.

I think Hicks could be funny but don't see how he really made people "think." It seemed to me like he was mostly preaching to the choir.

How so?

The reason the Cold War was bad wasn't that the Soviets were perfectly OK and we just decided to make them our enemy for no reason.

Are you really that concerned about what an 11-year old says?

Have you heard anyone say that people of Russian descent are inherently untrustworthy?

I don't think that's meant to malign Russians in general, just their government.

When liberals do it, yeah, because them sneering at other liberals for being insufficiently dogmatic in their pacifism is like them sneering at other liberals for being insufficiently dogmatic in their criticism of America. When conservatives criticize drone strikes that's just plain hypocrisy, when liberals do it

No, that was a creature whose mate was being held captive by the Bandi.