Dino Ironbody

The scene in the TNG pilot when the Enterprise locks phasers on an unknown ship as a safety precaution and Q sneers "Typical, so typical" and "Please don't let me interfere, use your weapons" kinda reminds me of how certain people on the left sneer at other liberals who are "jingoistic" enough to point out the

Just a few years ago I realized I didn't know who voiced Jar Jar. Lucky for him more people don't know his name.

Not that this cancels out all the good things he did, but I think it should be mentioned that Teddy supported eugenics.

Then why is it in the rule book?

MLB is actually considering having an automated strike zone.

(Tiny shark eats Fry's sand castle.)

I imagine there are some people who've only heard of him vaguely and don't understand how vile he is, and so giving him a network TV platform to embarrass himself with would help a lot of people realize just how much of a psycho he is.

How do they have the power to do that?

This is why I don't buy the idea that we shouldn't give people like him a platform. I think the fact that even he realizes the interview makes him look bad shows that showing a network TV audience what a psycho he is could do some damage to him.

Do you think there's such a thing as spoilers in sports? Generally my attitude is that there aren't; I just can't get into watching a sporting event if I know I could just look up who won.

One cliché sappy Olympic profile you don't hear as often anymore is the athlete from the communist country. They'd go like this: his/her mother noticed when he/she was little that he/she was more athletic than the other kids, and after years of training the state police would take him/her away to have him/her compete

"Correct: toad mucus."

I give that pun a flamin' yawn.

Is there a country where someone like Trump couldn't possibly get elected?

The makers of the survey were clearly tipping the scales.

"Or any book."

In the 1987 movie The Monster Squad there's a poster for a fake slasher movie called Groundhog Day Part 12.

We don't know whether the queen from Aliens was middle-aged.

I like the movie but think its aesthetic seems more like what you'd expect from a sci-fi movie from the late '80s-early '90s than from 1997.

I like the movie, but I thought it was kinda dickish for Verhoeven to make the movie a Starship Troopers adaptation instead of an original story just to give an FU to the novel.