Dino Ironbody

What about the xenunmorph from Alien: Convent?

Spoilers that everyone know already, no less.

Are you against war re-enactments?

As much as I get sick of "So much for the tolerant left!" I do think there are liberals who are hypocrites when it comes to tolerance. There's a point in which "I don't have to tolerate intolerance" becomes an excuse for being intolerant towards anyone who disagrees with you.

I thought eating large quantities of food was how we were supposed to honor the troops.

Isn't that basically Forbidden Planet?

2 Titus 2 Andronicus

"His father is the District Attorney!"

Even though conservative media is tanking right now?

I'd think they'd want to get rid of him before he costs them seats.

Then why aren't they trying to get rid of Trump?

Worse for the GOP?

With pro-Trump media tanking are Republicans gonna finally see the writing on the wall and get rid of him?

OK, but I think you could say the same about America's problems.

I think it should be pointed out that Europe isn't quite as evolved with regards to racism as some American liberals would like to believe.

What country do you think we should emulate?

We're just here to do the Middle East Shuffle!

If he wanted a less scary name he could run with someone named Berry.

Remember when conservatives said he was a bitter nobody who was jealous of O'Reilly's ratings?