Dino Ironbody

I think probably a lot of liberals who refused to vote for Hillary probably consider Jon to be too moderate, so I don't see how he'd be able to sway them.

I think Jon would've become increasingly apoplectic over Trump's success in the election.

I don't see how that's enough power to sway the election.

I don't think he ever had that kind of power.

Not enough to be literally daily, though.

I think he'd be glad at how Bullshit Mountain is collapsing.

I just read the oral history of his time hosting The Daily Show that was released last year, and was pretty glad to read that he's a pretty good guy in real life. There were some behind-the-scenes conflicts but I got the impression that most of the people who worked on that show were pretty good people.

While we're on the topic, I don't seen why so many people said "It's just Dances with Wolves in space" as though the "going native" trope hasn't been around forever.

I wonder, if the movie Avatar had been called Pandora, whether the name confusion would be as annoying as it is with the Airbender cartoon.

It actually debuted on June 13, 2007. I remember wondering why Comedy Central would debut a show about Dubya with less than 2 years left inhis presidency.

Whereas the generations that came before them were just fine and dandy.

The idea that they had to move right at least made some sense during the buildup to the Iraq War in terms of what the prevailing public opinion trend was, but now it's going against the trend rather than with it.

I thought CNN was the favorite cable news channel in public places because of how bland it is.

Is he a conservative or does he just have a misguided idea of what would get ratings?

"Trump Steaks is way better than Hormel Black Label Bacon! Sad."

I dunno; I think if it shaped perception that much we wouldn't have such a dramatic shift going on.

Dictating or reflecting?

Fallon did a bit last week I thought was pretty good where he compared Trump's commencement address to Elle's speech from Legally Blonde.

This surge in ratings for anti-Trump media has got to have some impact sooner or later, right? RIGHT?

I still think it's possible to make a good video game movie. There've been good movies about video games, and there've been good movies where a character undergoes a video game-like experience, so I think it can be done. Hell, they made a good movie about Legos.