Dino Ironbody

Crichton said the first three chapters were based on the real Ahmad ibn Fadlan's accounts of his journey north and experiences with Vikings, and the rest of the story is based on Beowulf. So I'd say it's part (real life-inspired) historical fiction and part historical fantasy/myth.

I thought The Great Train Robbery and Eaters of the Dead were pretty good.

Yes, I'm sure Martin O'Malley would've won easily.

Maybe Bobby and Vanessa didn't want a big deal made about their departures.

They probably thought they had to do something in case Trump isn't president when the next season starts.

I wonder why Darrin is the go-to example for a TV show recasting a character, especially since Bewitched did that for several characters.

Roger Delgado's death in a car accident in 1973 prevented a storyline that would've had the Master die saving the Doctor's life, also revealing that they were brothers.

I wish they kept the original look and format of that issue on their website.

(Searches in vain for hint of irony.)

The part where he got startled when she got pissed at him for getting mock-offended at her doing something vulgar? Sounds like a pretty minor thing to me; Tina even said there was never any real problem between them and they're good friends with each other.

Johnny Carson was a well-known alcoholic, and unlike Jimmy he wasn't known for being a nice guy in real life.

Wouldn't he wait until after Trump is gone before saying anything? I'd even say it would've been better to say something after the Access Hollywood tape since then it looked like he had no chance of winning.

"If SNL let him host I'm sure he must be OK"
- People I'm sure actually exist.

I'm sure that if he had challenged Trump's bullshit his followers would be like "Now I see just how full of shit Trump is! Thank you, Jimmy Fallon, for helping us see the light!"

Yes, the fact that we don't like his comedy means we should assume he has selfish motives for everything he does/says even if he has no established record of selfish behavior.

Jon Stewart used the "I'm just a comedian" defense too.

And what effect would Dave crucifying Trump have had on the election?

Are you judging him by his actions, or by one specific action?

Does Fallon have any history of dickish behavior that would warrant people saying mean things about him?