Dino Ironbody

I was wondering what would've happened if NBC had given him a fair chance, which means they wouldn't have threatened to move his show and there would've been no controversy to give him a ratings bump.

I wonder if he'd still be hosting The Tonight Show if NBC had given him a fair chance.

My god, what have they done?

One thing I thought was interesting about that movie is that after all the "Which movie/episode are they gonna rip off this time?" snark it ended up having a pretty original plot.

I wonder what he thinks he's using all this energy for that he's not using for exercise.

This is why I have something of an aversion to so-called populism, even relatively well-intentioned populism like that of Bernie Sanders. Often it's based on a false humility of "I don't think I'm better than regular people, unlike those elitists on the other side." That sort of false humility can actually be pretty

A lot of religious people don't believe things that are built into their religion's foundation.

I actually disagree slightly with the idea that humor has to be based on truth. For one thing, it seems like a lot of times when people say humor has to be based on truth to be funny, when they say "truth" they're just referring to their own personal views. Also, there've been plenty of times I've thought a joke was

That picture doesn't include Jack Swigert, who actually did kinda look like Kevin Bacon. Also, I think Hanks is pretty average-looking and Sinise is better-looking than Mattingly but not super handsome.

Conservative pundit Dennis Prager recently wrote a column saying that Colbert and the rest of "the left" have "ruined" late night talk shows by pushing their politics on viewers who just want to have a fun, apolitical viewing experience. This idea is contradicted by the fact that Colbert is currently leading in the

I don't buy that the media has a responsibility to push what we consider to be correct viewpoints. Not that I disagree about how horrible Trump is, but I think it sets a bad precedent for us to assume that the media should express a certain viewpoint; just think if conservatives said the media had a responsibility to

In Apollo 13 the actors weren't significantly better-looking than the people they were portraying.

I'm not much of an indie fan but I liked that movie.

Reminds me of an article Chuck Klosterman wrote about the country music boom circa 2000. He said that some people were accusing modern country music of being "inauthentic" and that classic country was more relatable for poor rural-dwellers. Chuck said he thinks the people making this argument were mostly well-off

Do you think most Mormons are racist?

Just because he's a homophobe doesn't mean he's a racist.

Joss Whedon wrote for the show in its 2nd season and says she was nuts even back then.

The ironic thing is she fought pretty hard to have lesbian characters on her show.

Some people say that sitcom characters tend to have unrealistically comfy lives, there aren't enough sitcoms that are about things like living pay check to pay check. I wonder if that's because people who do live pay check to pay check don't like to watch shows about the kinds of problems they have and prefer escapism