Dino Ironbody

Do you think liberals should never have on people who believe the opposite of what they do?

I dunno about the idea that Community's nerd humor was more diverse that BBT's. Community's nerd humor is mostly about nerdy pop culture; BBT does plenty of that, but it also makes a lot of (mostly well-researched) jokes about things like science and math. As far as the idea that BBT isn't as respectful to nerds, I'll

If conservatism is as popular with Americans as conservatives say it is, and the free market is as much of a meritocracy as conservatives say it is, why do they have so much trouble finding shows that reflect their values?

Anyone else think there's a Freudian reason why conservatives always say liberals are shoving liberal ideas down our throats?

Did you stop being a fan after they let him host in '04?

Why would the media standing up to him more have made a difference?

How does an "unelectable" candidate win the popular vote by 3 million?

Are you actually blaming them for not foreseeing that hosting The Apprentice would lead to him becoming president?

What exactly did her boycott accomplish?

What's so bad about the University of South Carolina?

Also, IIRC Sheldon's mostly stopped saying "Bazinga!"

I don't see how it's insulting to nerds either.

Who do you think he should do a style parody of? I was thinking The Decemberists.

What does the GOP think they have to lose by getting rid of him?

I think people should go with "Saturday Night Evil" more often. For crying out loud, "evil" is "live" backwards!

I remember Jon Stewart saying he used to wish he'd been harder on Rumsfeld when he was a guest on The Daily Show, but eventually realized that Rummy would've just bullshitted his way out of anything.

I know Keanu played Ted, but who played Bob?

In a way.

What would your reaction be if they cast a Filipino guy of normal height as Hervé?

I think his memoir should be called "No Small Parts…"