Dino Ironbody

I remember he seemed pretty embarrassed by her during the campaign, like even he knew it was a big mistake.


I think it would be a For Your Consideration called Why Trump Can Eat A Bag Of Dicks.

Yeah, but not a good job for someone who actually wants to be a dictator.

I think Trump's actually doing a pretty bad job of dictatoring.

"You are ordered to leave the Ukraine!"

In some cases, but the problem is that a lot of people who hate "elitist" experts love Trump, who owes all his success to his wealthy father.

I could believe that he was much more clueless than malicious. He seemed to me like someone who could be a basically decent person who had an extremely privileged upbringing, so the bad things he did were more due to not understanding how the real world works than from outright callousness.

Since we followed Dubya with Obama and Obama with Trump, I think America just might be schizophrenic enough to follow him with a black lady prez and lesbian VP.

I think if you realize that politicians have always sucked, you also realize that all the progress we've ever made was despite being ruled by corrupt politicians, not because politicians used to be noble. That means that we don't need a revolution to bring back some golden era of noble politics that never existed,

I think some people resent smart people because they think intelligence is just something you're born with, not something you earn. They think being rich/famous is something anyone can achieve if they work hard enough, but smart people are just spoiled "elites" who didn't "earn" what they have.

You mean having Bush as a guest doesn't negate everything good she's ever done?

Also, it's only been a few years since the show ended, so how much different could she look now? They should just drop the "now" from that headline and then it would make sense.

I think one reason we should stop romanticizing past politicians is that it helps create this "politicians keep getting worse and worse" cynicism that I think is unwarranted and counterproductive.

The reasons why Trump's election is more shocking to me than Dubya's has less to do with their actions/policies as president than what their elections represent. Dubya at least seemed like a likeable guy with a good sense of humor and good family values, someone who you'd like if he wasn't in politics. Also, he at

I still think the amount of progress we've made on gay rights is pretty amazing considering half a century ago homosexuality was classified as a mental disorder.

I have kind of a soft spot for NBC among the major networks because they've made a disproportionate number of shows I really like.

Considering he got The Late Show right after the #CancelColbert campaign, I'd say campaigns to get him fired/canceled seem to be good for him.

Whatever you think about his comedy, Jimmy is known for being a very nice guy in real life. Johnny wasn't the same warm, avuncular guy in real life as he was on TV.

Colbert had that wrist injury back in '07.