Dino Ironbody

Did people ever make jokes like this about Johnny Carson's alcohol problems?

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Puns


I love his implication that commies aren't really alive.

Apparently Alex Jones really does think fluoridation of water is a conspiracy.

They should just deposit a penny in savings and travel to the end of time to pay for a meal at Milliways.

The only thing you know about him is that he's a Trump supporter. I've known him my whole life. How is it that I'm the one who needs to do some soul-searching?

How do you interact with Trump supporters in real life?

Rush was basically a Zep clone on their first album(before Neil Peart joined the band).

How is it that you know my dad better than I do?

I'm not a conservative. However, my dad is a Trump supporter and as far as I know he's not a bigot or an idiot.

"Well, you don't need a million dollars to do nothin', man. Take a look at my cousin; he's broke, don't do shit."

There are plenty of times I get sick of "So much for the tolerant left" but I think what you just said qualifies.

Bring fired from the network where he had the top- rated cable news shower a decade didn't hurt him? Given how much of his ego depended on bragging about having the highest ratings, I imagine it hurt his ego a lot. I don't know where he could maintain the same kind of success now without the built-in Fox News audience.

I still don't see how all this publicity is or would be good for O'Reilly.

Not all metaphors work when taken literally. For one, the metaphor about the frog in boiling water doesn't.

I think the worst part of the movie is Leeloo's "What's the point of saving the universe if war exists?" breakdown. To me it seemed really contrived and was just there to drag the tension out to the last second.

Yeah, but that tape did serious damage to his ability to be effective in pushing his agenda.

I'm pretty sure he'd rather still have his show. Also, why would CNN take him if even Fox News wouldn't keep him?

You said "There is no such thing as bad press" and that definitely wasn't true in Milo's case. Same with O'Reilly.