Dino Ironbody

I liked that SNL sketch with Louis CK and Kate McKinnon as the turn-of-the-century Polish immigrants who were prejudiced against Italians and black people.

Are you really saying that no one ever gets unfairly called racist?

They should do a show called 1990s House where people get to live through a time before 9/11 but after the Cold War, when Trump was an '80s has-been, but you have to deal with shitty dial-up and no DVDs or YouTube.

(Dismissively) Conformist.

"According to Danielle Salmon of the restaurant review site Follow My Gut,…"

Can you provide a link to him saying it?

Where did he say that?

Where did you find this out?

Is there a rule requiring her to have a certain percentage of minorities on her writing staff?

Why is her home life more indicative of who she is than her work life?

So who she hires to work on her writing staff isn't something that affects her?

She actually has a pretty diverse writing staff.

I wonder if Hitler was eating the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake when he decided to invade Poland.

San Diego hasn't won anything ever(unless you count the Chargers winning the AFL title in '63).

I think the Chargers leaving San Diego decisively gives it the edge over Buffalo in the battle for most tortured sports city after Cleveland won a title last year.

"Also, he was great in Her."

"He's cool by way of being aggressively uncool." Reminds me of when Chuck Klosterman said he thinks one reason a lot of people dismiss Joel is that not only is he not cool in the conventional sense, but he's also not so uncool he's cool.

I think if there was a porn parody MCU it should be called the CUM.

He's older than either of those guys.

I imagine getting fired is a pretty big blow to his ego, having been the highest-rated cable news host for so long. Glenn Beck still had a show and wrote books after Fox let him go, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a major negative for his career.