Dino Ironbody

Being fired isn't an actual consequence?

Actually I was thinking of that movie as a good example of a huge hit that's been relatively forgotten, since I rarely hear people reference it these days except in regards to the subpar sequels.

I think TBBT is more likely to endure in the popular consciousness than 2.5 Men because it has a more devoted fandom. It may have plenty of detractors, but I don't agree with the idea that it has a lot of viewers but no one really loves it; I think plenty of nerds love that show just as a lot of nerds don't like it at

I wasn't trying to prove TBBT is good by mentioning its popularity. Hell, I really liked 30 Rock even though it never had good ratings. I was saying that I doubt something that's stayed that popular that long would fade from the popular consciousness like that.

I take it you're saying "Duh, that's because they've all been forgotten!", but is that really the case or is it just that there really aren't any examples to forget/remember?

I'm pretty sure it did.

Can you name a sitcom that was as popular for a whole decade as TBBT has been that's as forgotten now as you think it will be?

Star Wars wasn't very original either.

Titanic was widely predicted to be a flop, and we know how that turned out.

I wish the movie was called Pandora to avoid confusion with the Avatar cartoon.

I wonder how well-remembered Star Wars would've been if almost a decade had passed with no sequels and almost no expanded universe.

What other movies from 2009 have been better remembered?

I think often people forget how funny Olbermann can be; he first became famous because of how funny he and Dan Patrick were on SportsCenter.

I thought that was a knockoff of Clonus.

Speaking of movies with Logan in the title, I recently turned 30 and since I'd never seen it before I watched Logan's Run on my birthday because I thought that was a funny idea.

Can we stop doing this thing where we assume that our opinions and interpretations of works of entertainment are the only correct ones?

Pretty weird that a popular nerd magazine was co-created by Bob Guccione.

I didn't like the first and last eps but I liked all four middle ones(yes, even "Babylon").

I don't get why so many people hated that scene.

Because of his high ratings I bet his fans think it's the views of people who disagree with him that are "alternative."