Dino Ironbody

I'm kinda surprised none of his stories were ever adapted in any of the incarnations of The Twilight Zone.

Are there any actual confirmed examples of conservative views hurting an actor's career?

I disagree; I think satire and the media failed to stop Trump for basically the same reason: there's only so much they can do to change people's minds.

I think shame is an underrated quality considering how often it prevents people from doing bad things.

People have been wondering why satire failed to stop Trump. Maybe it's this: satire is supposed to be a mirror on society, and The Colbert Report was a great example of that, but what if you show society a mirror and people still don't see what's really there?

Is there such a thing as self-inflicted war crimes?

Actually they prefer to drop acid.

I remember people around here saying Aaron Sorkin's Steve Jobs movie would never get made.

In the mid-'90s I don't think many Seattleites thought that today the Mariners and Seahawks would still be here but the Sonics wouldn't.

One good thing about being a Mariners fan is that they've had a lot of star players, like those you mentioned plus Ichiro and Felix. That's a lot of star power for a team that's never even been to a World Series in 40 years of existence.

Do we have to root for someone in this fight?


"Failing Alec Baldwin can't get anyone to buy his book. Sad!"

a) Well yeah, you don't need a study to know that the media covered him disproportionately.
b) Trump led in the polls pretty much from the moment he entered the race, unlike Cain.
c) I don't know if we really have enough of a sample size to determine anything conclusively.

He ended up getting 45% of the total popular vote in the primaries, which if you adjust for the fact that his totals would've increased in the later primaries because of losing candidates dropping out means that his 30-something% support in the pre-primary months seems pretty consistent with his primary results to me.

People can have different interpretations about what the facts mean. Even if they're wrong, that doesn't mean they're sheep.

He's well-known for being a nice guy in real life, so I don't see how he's a self-absorbed phony.

I think the cause and effect relationship regarding Trump's media coverage is the reverse of what you think it is: the media covered him so much because so many people supported him, not the other way around(and there were plenty of people who didn't support him but watched coverage of him anyway).

So those we disagree with are a bunch of sheep but we're not? That seems to me like the kind of thinking the article was warning against.

But if the media doesn't really have much power to kill campaigns, why would it have that much power to boost them?