Dino Ironbody

I liked the debate they did in 2012; I thought Jon did a great job but Bill made a good debate opponent.

What about all the presidential campaigns that have been killed by bad publicity?

Which conservatives do you think liberals should have a dialogue with?

Are you assuming that all publicity is good?

The Bush/Cheney administration couldn't stop the Democrats from getting back both houses of Congress in '06 and getting back the presidency and increasing their lead in Congress in '08, so I wonder how much impact all that media manipulation really had.

They say sunlight is the best disinfectant, but if that's true then Trump must be a mutation that thrives on sunlight.

They probably think what they see with their own eyes supports their beliefs.

I think people who say Trump won because the media didn't do enough to show how bad he is are overestimating the ability the media, and people in general, have to convince others. In fact, very often showing people evidence that refutes their beliefs will only make them stronger(this is called the Backfire Effect).

Yeah, I always thought they just applied the whole "It's just a show, I should just really just relax" attitude to the riffs, not really caring whether it's a joke they could realistically have come up with that quickly as long as it was funny.

I loved the book, but I thought the epilogue was merely decent padding.

Sounds like a male Jenna Maroney.

I imagine SNL didn't want a featured player, which Jay was for his first two years, to play the president. They gave him the Obama impression right before the 2012 election, which I think shows they had confidence in him.

I like to imagine MPAA is pronounced like a cartoon sound effect(mmmmmpaaaaa!).

"Do I Look Like I'm Madoff Money?"

Yeah, screw him and his upbeat attitude!

Who do you assume would rather have good ratings than a good president?

I bet that bird's last thought was: "Why couldn't it have been a Tim Wakefield knuckleball?"

Trump is a one note person.

I was actually kinda wondering whether Trump's success might be slightly related to the popularity of "asshole genius" TV shows in recent years because of the wish fulfillment factor of someone who's supposedly so good at what they do that they can get away with being a complete asshole.