Dino Ironbody

"There's no job openings there!"

Does anyone know if Hannity is considered an asshole in real life?

I first watched Dr. Strangelove at an afterschool showing in my history class when I was a junior in high school, and ever since it's been one of my favorite movies.

If IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings are any indication, most people actually like the prequels.

One problem I have with comparing Trump and his ilk to Nazis is that the Nazis weren't some run-of-the-mill tyrannical regime. There've been many tyrants throughout history; only people like Stalin and Mao can really be compared to Hitler.

This is a comment I read on an article about MST3K on another website:

Terminal Man and Great Train Robbery were both made into movies back in the '70s.

Is it about how Assange won by gaining control of Australia?

I guess that means Bernie must've been really incompetent to lose to her.

So Hillary supporters are more powerful than Bernie? I think very few Hillary supporters are as powerful as a US Senator. Also, were there really fewer Bernie supporters who look down at Hillary supporters as vice versa?

You accused Barsanti of punching down. Is he more powerful than Bernie?

How is that punching down?

It seems to me like a lot of the people who claim Democrats used to be real liberals are defining "liberal" mostly in economic terms.

Right, but it seems kinda hypocritical to me to be like "Oh, Bernie's not liberal enough for ya?"

It's not like Bernie supporters didn't constantly criticize Hillary for not being liberal enough.

Sure, that character was the mouthpiece for his ideas about chaos theory, but from what I remember the character was balding and rather off-putting, not as charming as Goldblum.

Keep in mind that the guy's a technophobe himself, so the fact that he's the bad guy could be seen as anti-technophobic.

How so?

I've heard people accuse him of being anti-science, but I think he was mostly just against poorly used science.

I think his post-Jurassic Park work has kinda hurt his reputation. I like some of his post-JP stuff, like Airframe and Timeline, but pretty much all his most infamous work was written after JP as well.