Dino Ironbody

He's the tallest non-sports celebrity ever that I know of.

What books did he do that in?

I still love Sphere and The Andromeda Strain.

I've seen Sphere and agree with the lousy reputation, and I love the book.

Where'd you read that?

I notice that Airframe is Crichton's only pre-2000 novel not written under a pseudonym that hasn't been made into a movie, which is kind of a shame because I think it's pretty good.

Trump himself doesn't seem too fond of what SNL's been saying about him.

I loved the McManatee joke.

I believe only other person ever to host SNL while running for president was Al Sharpton in '03, and all that free publicity didn't really help his campaign.

It's estimated that about 9 million people watched that episode, so a couple million votes would be over a fifth of that.

Unfortunately there might be a writers strike starting May 1, which would suck especially now because, if reports are to be believed, Trump isn't taking all the TV night mockery of him well.

It would've taken thousands of votes to swing the election, and I doubt it changed that many.

I think if the show had that much influence then all the mockery of Trump they did right before the election would have cost him the presidency.

He actually hosted in 2004.

He's an idiot.

Nixon was already the GOP nominee and Clinton had wrapped up the nomination the day before, whereas when Trump hosted the primaries were still months away. Also, I don't see how anything he did when he hosted SNL humanized him significantly.

He was barely even in the episode, and I don't see how what little of the show he was in made him seem more likeable.

Which anecdotal examples?

Is there any precedent for the idea that hosting SNL would actually help a presidential campaign?

I always thought this SNL fake commercial would make a good real commercial: