Dino Ironbody

Picard's my favorite Trek captain, but Data's my favorite Trek character.

Tell me, do you get on well with other spambots?

One thing I always liked about him is that he talks in a very earnest, sincere, corny way. He talks the way a child writes poetry. I think it's endearing that he's not afraid to talk that way.

Oldest and, ironically, least experienced.

What assholish behavior would you consider liberal?

One of my favorite Onion articles ever:

I always liked Darrell Hammond's Rumsfeld impression.

The era Gump was set in had plenty of bad stuff happen too.

I remember in '04 his ratings went way up after Falafelgate.

That couldn't be Steve Buscemi, since Buscemi has 7 letters, not 4. "The Big Game" is actually a nickname for Steve Biko, the late South African anti-apartheid activist.

Anyone know why so many NFL commentators so often refer to the league by its full name? "That's a mistake you can't afford to make in the National Football League." So that's what it stands for!

The Colbert Report wasn't based on his Daily Show persona, it was based on a series of fake ads for a show with Stephen as an O'Reilly-like pundit. His Daily Show persona was more like a parody of reporters like Stone Phillips.

I remember that; what he said exactly was that Americans are "childish" because "We think Harry Potter is literature and Batman movies are profound meditations on the human condition." I think he basically has a teenager's idea of what's "adult."

I bet he says "Nazi is short for national socialism!" a lot.

"I also remember that the female love interest had a really hairy bush"

America always been allies with Russia.

"…when the truth is ignored and abandoned by those in power."

Not that I agree with the GOP, but you could argue that them opposing gun control even after Reagan got shot was an example of principled behavior.

How was Trump the "easiest possible opponent to beat"?

IIRC his laughing didn't really become a major thing until his last year or so on the cast.