Dino Ironbody

Stephen is well-known for being a really nice and generous guy. Does him not assuming the allegations against Cosby(if he even knew) were true negate all of that?

Since when does concocting bullshit require a lot of imagination?

How can Colbert "normalize" O'Reilly when Bill was already famous enough 12 years ago for Stephen to do a show parodying him?

That was before Hannibal Buress made the Cosby rape scandal mainstream.

I disagree with the idea that Fox News "brainwashes" its viewers. I think their viewers choose to watch them because they already agree with them.

Not defending O'Reilly, but I find it ironic that people use the expression "When there's smoke, there's fire" to mean that accusations must be true considering that a popular expression for lying is "blowing smoke."

The guy who actually played the banker was the lead in Agent for H.A.R.M.

My biggest problem with that episode was how much it pushed the whole "We're so much more evolved than in the 20th century" thing. When Bev explains to Picard why they were frozen she said, as if this were the most shocking thing ever: "People feared dying. It terrified them." Also, after Riker meets with the unfrozen

In this context I think "political" basically means "up for debate."

"Become" political? When were they not?

Maxtiano Headroomonaldo

They didn't act like one candidate wasn't much worse than the other last year, though.

Fun fact: the 1980 US-USSR hockey game wasn't aired live. That's right, the Miracle on Ice was tape-delayed(even though that Olympics was in America). I wonder what it was like for people who were at the game calling their friends just after it ended to tell them what happened.

NBC: What about 30 Rock and Friday Night Lights and all those other shows critics loved but nobody watched? We had all of those.

"Emotions are for ethnic people."

I wonder why Oldman doesn't like it.

I think it's a bummer that there aren't any other stories set in the Fifth Element universe. I think it's a tempting idea because the film has a really fun universe and cast of characters, but the problem is that the film's too centered around its main plot for there to be other stories in that universe. Every 5,000

Ironically, HW Bush was considered a shoo-in for reelection a year before he lost.

"Someone on Fox News said all my thoughts are original!"

I remember before the Red Sox finally broke their curse there were people who said it would be bad if they ever won it all because then they'd lose what made them special and they'd be just another team. It's 13 years later and I doubt there are many Red Sox fans who think them winning it all was a bad thing, so I