Dino Ironbody

I hope The A.V. Club does a Star Trek Week sometime before the show debuts.

It's weird that the Bears now have the longest title drought in Chicago.

So when is the GOP gonna really turn against Trump? It would be one thing if he was getting done what they wanted him to, but he's being ridiculously ineffective at that, so what are they gaining with him in office?

At least "cyborg" is a word that exists in real life.

I don't buy the idea that warm-weather cities shouldn't have NHL teams. Should we not have MLB teams in cold-weather cities?

"Wait a minute! This says Z-Ray."

I'm kinda bummed that in the actual quote from the Pod People episode they missed a chance for alliteration with "It has everything to do with pain."

What about an orange cream-hammer?

Mother Theresa is an example of somebody who's done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, I notice.

Does this guy even have a neck?

Sorry for being so late to the Room/The Room pun party:

How did she rescue Fallon from obscurity? He was on the SNL cast before she was.

One of the many, many things that baffled me about Trump winning was that I never got the impression that he was a particularly admired celebrity. If you'd asked me which nonpolitical celebs were most likely to become president, he wouldn't have been high on my list.

From everything I've heard Tina is definitely not an asshole in person.

Well, the guy behind Trump Steaks is our president…

So is Tina Fey still "problematic"?

Just after he left SNL, The Onion made the headline: "Jimmy Fallon Six Tantalizing Months From Disappearing Forever"

The work "maverick" is giving me Sarah Palin flashbacks.

Conan was on the Colbert Report?

They could swing back if Trump is no longer president.