Dino Ironbody

The headline writer at the AV Club is a little too excited about baseball coming up.

In the argument over whether the Boomers or Millennials were the worst generation ever, we should remember that Gen X was whining about how hard they had it during the '90s of all decades.

Anyone know why his last two shows from last week aren't on the show's website?

Being wrong doesn't mean they lack empathy.

Maybe, although voting for Trump because you think liberals are too smug seems like a pot-kettle thing.

They believe fetuses are people, so from their perspective they're being empathetic to fetuses.

"Sealioning." I actually had to look that up. I don't see how I'm doing it, because I'm the one who started the discussion in the first place.

Jon did make fun of him once for wondering whether the Osama killing was fake.

I was also thinking that we shouldn't just demonize those we disagree with.

Originally I was just trying to raise the question of why so many women support this kind of thing.

"Wiretaps in Trump Tower. How did they get there?"

An opinion can be wrong and still be based on reason.

Still, I think we should at least try to understand why they think that way.

I think the number of people who believe the Earth is flat is relatively small compared to the number of women who support conservative causes.

Are you asking why they support it or why should we keep it in mind?

What I'm getting at is that I wonder if there was ever really a time when "real liberals" had significant power in America.

I imagine the Trump administration thinks it's compromising by pushing a health care bill that hardcore conservatives are calling "Obamacare lite."

A lot of women are anti-abortion too.

We should keep in mind that a lot of women actually support what conservatives want to do to women's rights.

Anyone know why the last two shows from last week aren't up on the show's website?