Dino Ironbody

Was the party's lack of support the reason why he lost so badly, or just the fact that he didn't appeal to voters that much?

"My name is Tomi, and I became aware this year"

Ironically, that year's Democratic nominee is what the people today who say "Democrats used to be real liberals" wish Democrats were like today.

One thing I haven't heard anyone point out regarding the hypocrisy of Christians voting for Trump is that the Bible says not to worship false idols, and Trump has giant buildings with his name on them in big letters.

Some people blame the media for giving him constant coverage, and some actually blame SNL and Fallon for tipping the election.

I remember in 2011 former senator Alan Simpson said kids today are "…listening to The Enema Man and Snoopy Snoopy Poop Dogg…”

This is a big reason why I think it's misguided to blame pop culture/the media for Trump winning. Given how bad the far right is at co-opting pop culture, I doubt he'd have come close to winning if pop culture really reflected/influenced how people vote that much.

In Carson's case I believe he's too smart at brain surgery to be smart in other areas.

That dance wasn't as hump as they said it was.

"Here's an RCT showing that Meals on Wheels may reduce the risk of falls in elderly people:"

That was actually Todd Akin, unless Steve King said something similar that I'm unaware of.

Good thing I wasn't short-handed.

It made me get a penalty for high-sticking.

I was kinda surprised that this week's SNL review said that their Trump satire is too tame. What previous presidents were they harsher on than Trump? Their previous presidential portrayals at least gave their subject some likeability.

Since she joined a metal band.

The weird thing is that as far as I can see there's no real reason for her to be bitter. There've been quite a few people who've had brief, unremarkable tenures on SNL who've gone on to be successful elsewhere(like, to name another recent example, Jenny Slate).

In Tina Fey's book she said she learned a lot from Lorne about how to manage people, and she seems like a pretty well-adjusted person.

It seems to me that if you really think SNL has enough influence that having him host made a significant impact on the election, then you should be more on their side now that they're mocking him so much.

"De facto monopoly" over what?

I continue to find people confusing their own subjective opinion with objective fact disconcerting.