Dino Ironbody

It's the AVnglish way.

No, that was Chris Tucker.

In Kong: Skull Island, does he ever say "I have had it with these motherfuckin' creatures on this motherfuckin' island!"?

"And I find it remarkable how often principles founded in philosophical enquiry do stand up to scrutiny, and how often decisions based on expediency are eventually recognised as evil"
This kinda sounds like hindsight bias to me; I think often whether a decision is "principled" or "expedient" isn't so clear-cut. Take

Ironic given that Tina Fey wrote that.


I know "innocent until proven guilty" doesn't technically apply outside of a courtroom, but I think it's a good idea to apply it as a general attitude anyway. The burden of proof is on the accuser(s), so I think giving the benefit of the doubt to the accused is perfectly justifiable if there's no proof.

Thank you for acknowledging that Bernie's campaign had issues, but I don't think that invalidates my argument that his supporters were just as eager to blame others for his losing as Hillary supporters were.

Seems to me like pretty much no one blames their own candidate for them losing, so I don't see what's especially bad about Hillary supporters in that regard.

As opposed to the massive amounts of reflection those on the far left achieved after Bernie lost.

How much do Bernie supporters blame him for losing the nomination?

I wonder if Bernie supporters would've refused to blame Hillary supporters if he were the nominee and lost.

Yeah, it's basically "But her e-mails!" except unironically.

Anyone else notice some liberal journalists have actually been defending Trump on the Russia thing?

People keep saying it's only a matter of time before he's impeached or resigns, but the fact that we elected him after well over a year of terrible revelations I wonder if that's the case.

Just because Baldwin's not a comedian doesn't mean he's not comedically talented.

I don't think people have forgotten that Baldwin's an asshole. Even people(like me) who like him a lot as an entertainer don't really like him as a person.

I don't think their voices sound alike; Bernie's is pretty deep while David's is more high-pitched and raspy.

"But if you go comparing protesters to chairman Mao…"