Dino Ironbody

They didn't say it was good for him, they said it was good for his show.

"You've got bail!"

I liked the movie when I was a kid, but now it kinda annoys me how hard the movie tries to get us to love Bob in spite of how he forces himself on Leo and his family.

I actually have kind of a soft spot for NBC among the major networks because they've made so many shows I like. Even in their recent ratings-challenged years they've made shows like The Office, 30 Rock, Parks & Rec, Community, and Friday Night Lights.

To think I thought this story couldn't get higher on the Dave Barry Scale before you came up with anagrams for "inverted pork rectums."

If you believe Darkdoug(see comment below) you didn't vote for him because you didn't "know enough to see through the lies."

I wonder why such a big majority of veterans voted for a guy who flat-out insulted POWs. I mean, I think veterans deserve a lot of respect for their service, but WTF?

I wonder why so many in Hollywood support this guy, especially considering that early in his career he did some really nasty things to actors on the sets of his movies to get them to do what he wanted.

I think we should get at least a little credit for electing him twice.

Yeah, Obama was so cool because he (did something bad).

"Remembers when this site was about entertainment and not politics."
That was before we had a reality show host as president.

What's even the point of secret plots anymore when we just elected a president who's this openly evil?

He only haaaaas himself to blaaaaame!

I think the idea that his show was an echo chamber is contradicted by all the liberals who were upset that he pushed a "false equivalence" by sometimes saying that liberals do bad things too.

Christopher Buckley wrote a novel that I thought was pretty good called Supreme Courtship that was about an unpopular president who nominates a TV judge to be a Supreme Court justice.

I'm pretty sure he never actually ran; he talked a lot about it but announced shortly after the WHCD that he wasn't gonna run. Also, can you really look at the list of GOP candidates in 2012 and say that they were a party of grown-ups?

I assume you're thinking of Dvorak:

I remember him announcing shortly after the WHCD that he wasn't running.

If that was what motivated him to run, why didn't he run in 2012?

I love how quintessentially Trump the photo in that article is.