Dino Ironbody

Ironically, The Simpsons in its prime made a lot of highbrow jokes.

If you believe the "we need to get serious" buzzkills, watching satirical comedy makes people go "I was going to go out there and make a difference, but I can clearly see that our comedians have it all taken care of so I'll just do nothing."

Maybe, although I wonder how many would-be Santorum supporters would really be turned off by the gay community making his name into a joke.

I agree with that to a point; Trump's been a laughingstock for decades and look at what good that did.

The Depression that Couldn't Slow Down

"And while the righteous anger of TV comedians isn’t going to be all that much help to the scared kids now faced with a distressingly literal life-or-death decision every time they have to piss, it does provide a certain respite to the angry gut."

Weird that even Trump's victory didn't revitalize her career.

Agreed about him punching down. Like others have said, I actually find him more cringeworthy when he expresses liberal views because of how much he sounds like a stereotypical elitist limousine liberal.

I used to be a fan of him and still think he's a funny comedian, but eventually it became clear to me that his smugness isn't remotely an act. Some smug people at least have some self-awareness about it; I think Maher honestly can't fathom why anyone wouldn't think he's a genius and thinks he's perfectly entitled to

It's kinda weird seeing a hot female version of Sam Waterston.

"But Black Dynamite, I host a talk show in the community!"

One 1984 quote that keeps coming to mind for me because of how much Trump's followers never seem to get tired of him is when O'Brien tells Winston: "You are under the impression that hatred is more exhausting than love. Why should it be?"

I thought he was a great choice to play Winston because he had a naturally sad face.

To me it doesn't make sense to continue to boycott them after they've dumped his book. If that's the precedent you're setting, why would boycotting a company make them change their minds if they know you'll continue to boycott them anyway?

"We can't stop here, this is Gap country!"

Say what you will about Garfield, but I don't get why so many people bashed Jim Davis because he admitted he created it to make a lot of money. Lots of good works of entertainment have been made for money. Not that doing it for the art isn't admirable, but a lot of good art wasn't created for artistically pure reasons.

I liked this How it Should Have Ended video that imagines if Forrest Gump was in The Matrix(I know these GJI-type things where they just combine two things can be annoying, but I liked this anyway): https://www.youtube.com/wat…

I think The Matrix should be remade as a limited series, hopefully with a better game plan than the movies.

I wonder whose dream it'll turn out to be.