Dino Ironbody

His heart may be in the right place, but all the celebs who've spoken out against Brexit/Trump remind me of this Kurt Vonnegut quote: "During the Vietnam War, which lasted longer than any war we've ever been in - and which we lost - every respectable artist in this country was against the war. It was like a laser

I think the '80s was actually a really good decade for SF movies.

I'd say the worst time for '80s sci-fi TV was the '85-'86 season, especially since that was during Doctor Who's 18-month hiatus. TNG, Red Dwarf and Max Headroom weren't on yet, and sci-fi TV was basically carried by anthology shows like the Twilight Zone revival and Amazing Stories.

I think TNG didn't get really good until the '90s. Anyway, I'd say the mid-'80s was worse than the late-'80s since there was no Trek on the air and Doctor Who was in the 6th doctor era.

I watched all 5 eps of that show when it came out on DVD a couple years ago. I'm guessing the 6th episode would've involved a shipment of tripolydine.

Anyone else think the '80s(especially the mid-'80s) were kind of a weak decade for sci-fi TV?

I noticed that a lot of conservatives seemed to think that what Trump did wrong was just talking about sex, and so liberals were a bunch of hypocrites for being outraged about what Trump said on the tape when they want everything to be about sex sex sex.

It'll also be the go-to response for liberals who refused to vote for Hillary.

It didn't work against Obama.

Why would more people watching the Democratic debates have changed anything? Just look at how little impact the presidential debates had.

I wonder if Democrats going low would've actually worked. I don't think the whole "I'm just not PC" excuse works as well for Democrats as Republicans.

I think plenty of us could probably believe terrible things if we were brought up in a time and place where they were acceptable. We're lucky that we grew up in a time when eugenics was no longer trendy.

The Planned Poseidon Adventure

I remember prominent Republicans complaining more about Trump than about McCain or Romney(although of course they didn't rescind their endorsement of Trump).

He gets eaten by Garfield.

A lot of conservatives don't consider Trump a true conservative either.

Where did I say that?

I wonder what it was like playing with Bob McAdoo.

I disagree with the idea that all publicity is good; just look at all the presidential candidates from years past whose campaigns were killed by bad publicity.

I notice a lot of Bernie supporters who talk about Hillary supporters blaming everyone but her for losing blame everyone but Bernie for him losing.