Dino Ironbody

I used to think he could never get elected because of how much of a target of ridicule he's been for so long. Now I wonder if all the jokes that have been made about him over the years were accidentally immunizing him against any effect ridicule might have on his campaign.

Yes, I'm sure Trump would've lost if not for SNL.

Most male Trump supporters probably don't brag about molesting women, but they still weren't repulsed enough by it not to vote for him,

I wonder if the pussy tape actually hurt him or if the people who said they were no longer gonna vote for him were just too embarrassed to admit they were still gonna vote for him.

Why would those tapes sink him when nothing else did? I think we've learned that his supporters just don't give a shit.

Anyone know if anyone besides Trump was actually considered?

"Make America a Good Thing Again."

I'm guessing Mark Burnett didn't think he was influencing the course of history when he picked Trump to host The Apprentice.

If you believe some people, every song from the '60s is about drugs.

It was great to see how moved Jon was when Obama won:

What's Scott McGregor working on?

What does the Y stand for in MYP?

Well, the college basketball title game was pretty great. Plus, don't forget the Cavs breaking Cleveland's title drought. Most years don't have the most tortured sports city and longest-suffering franchise both win titles.

Not if you're going by geological time.

Blatant self-promotion: here's a bit I did when I was an amateur stand-up comedian where I did Christmas songs(original songs, not covers or parodies) in the style of Green Day and Rush(at 1:23 of the clip):

Lots of things don't have a winner.

"But Lucy, I'm engaged to Mina… and you're dead."

Earl Warren once said: "I always turn to the sports section first. The sports section records people's accomplishments; the front page nothing but man's failures." I think that's never been more true than in a year when Cleveland and the Cubs ending their title droughts have been among the few bright spots.

Tell me, do you get on well with other spambots?

I think their biggest hit show in the '90s proved that you can get audiences to watch smart stuff if you have a horny hillbilly be the main character.