Dino Ironbody

Michael Schur, who was writing for SNL at the time, wrote about how thin-skinned he was when he hosted back in 2004: http://uproxx.com/webcultur…

Has anyone else seen FTL Newsfeed? It was something the SciFi Channel used to air in their early years; they were these short fake newscasts from 150 years in the future from whatever day it was. There's a lot of them on YouTube, but it would be cool if there was a DVD with all of them or something like that. I just

Anyone know when the term "reboot" as applied to entertainment franchises was first used?

It's ironic that he was known for being reluctant to tinker with shows.

I like to assume that when Haysbert's character tortures someone, he goes: "Are you in good hands?"

I miss The Onion's "In the Know" videos.

GotG wasn't very well-known before the movie.

I think it was shown often enough that it would've made a difference if Trump supporters actually gave a shit.

One thing that occurred to me about this election is that it showed how little impact the presidential debates have. If Trump could win after coke-sniffing his way through three debates, what impact could they really have?

The fact that he was dead bothered me a little; if they'd had his OK it wouldn't bother me as much. At least they did have him prove himself worthy by the end of the movie(although he didn't have to "prove" anything in real life). I read that they had the astronauts act more emotionally than in real life so the

Apollo 13 is probably my favorite movie, partly because of how much work they did to get things right. The one issue I have with the movie is the "Come on, rookie, park that thing!" angle with Swigert. You don't even get to be a backup on a mission like that unless you've established that you're pretty damn good.

Other fun Trek casting what ifs:

That may be true, but even in the past there were movies that were big successes despite a lack of star power, like Star Wars.

I think star power is often overrated as a selling point. Some of the biggest box office hits ever didn't have much star power in them.

E.T. actually had a sequel novel called E.T.: The Book of the Green Planet, written by William Kotzwinkle, who wrote the movie's novelization.

What do you have against Rainn Wilson?

Some basic Googling tells me the leader was somewhat based on a contemporary figure named Osward Mosley.

If Trump's presidency turns out to be as much of a disaster as we think it'll be, I wonder if that'll further the cause of getting rid of the electoral college.

I just watched the most recent season of Foyle's War, which takes place shortly after the end of WW2. One episode is about a xenophobic nationalist party, and in one scene its leader gives a fiery speech in which he says he can "make Britain great again." This aired in January 2015.

Even considering how power-mad Dwight is?