Dino Ironbody

I don't think Dwight was just a harmless weirdo.

I kinda wonder if Trump's made satire obsolete. What can you make up now that's more absurd than the real thing?

They haven't even gone bankrupt yet!

"You got any idea who those turkeys were?"

It may have its detractors, but I think the ratings by critics and audiences(to say nothing of the box office records) contradict the idea that it failed to capture people's imaginations.

So many people are rooting against the Avatar sequels that I kinda want them to be a huge success. I know it's kinda weird to root for a filthy rich egomaniac to make even more money, but I liked Avatar and Cameron's other movies enough to make me look forward to the sequel.

Avatar was released 12 years after Titanic, which had a pretty major backlash during that period, and still made box office records.

We thought Trump's campaign itself would expose how bad the GOP is, and look how that ended up.

Bush at least seemed to have a decent sense of humor about himself(although he didn't seem to enjoy Colbert's WHCD performance).

I don't think they'll have much luck at sabotaging the careers of people who make of them, if Hamilton is any indication.

Remember how Republicans called Obama thin-skinned?

Why didn't his ridiculously thin skin turn off more voters?

How the fuck did we go from two terms of a black guy named Barack Hussein Obama to this?

I wonder: if the Trump administration turns out to be as much of a disaster as we think it will be, will people actually notice and care? If people are this bad at seeing what's right in front of them…

Saying that politicians suck doesn't mean they're saying both sides suck equally. It's not like on their shows they bashed liberals just as much as conservatives.

Trump is the healthiest person who's ever lived, just ask him…I mean his doctor!

When did Jon actually say that?

We didn't think the "That other guy wasn't so bad" nostalgia was gonna be this bad.

Why else would so many people have watched it?

I actually liked Dick Cheney one time when he joked that he asked his wife what she thought about him being nicknamed Darth Vader, and she said "It humanizes you."