Dino Ironbody

I wonder if all the changes in the polls because of the latest scandal were just people pretending to change their minds because hey were too embarrassed to admit they'd already made up their minds.

Weirdly enough, its ratings were pretty middling since its first few seasons.

I think he was already normalized.

At this point I'm wondering if it would've even made a difference.

The show wouldn't have gotten such high ratings if he hadn't already been normalized.

I'd imagine there are other TV stars who've done terrible things that their networks cover up and ignore.

I normally watch The Daily Show and all the shows hosted by its alumni, but for about a week I refused to watch them and was wondering if I would even watch them at all during a Trump presidency because it would just be too painful to laugh at, but a few days ago I resumed watching them because I figured not watching

I really don't see people thinking to themselves "You know, if SNL had him host he must be alright."

I think SG-1 is actually a bit underrated. I don't know if I'd say it's a great show, but I think it managed to stay consistently good for a whole decade and did a surprisingly good job with story arcs. I'd even say I liked it better than Farscape(sorry, Abed).

We didn't realize that just because we think someone/something is so hilarious as to be beyond parody("You can't make this stuff up!") doesn't mean there aren't a lot of people who agree with that person/idea and don't see what's so damn funny.

People have been talking about how much satire failed to stop Trump, and I think a great example of that is how Stephen's Report character now seems quaint compared to the guy we just elected as president. Satire is supposed to be a mirror on society, but what if people still don't see what's really there?

What's really amazing is how successfully Trump appealed to working class voters even though he's spent decades bragging about how rich he is.

After what happened last week they must've figured their work here is done.

"You don't know what it's like in our universe. America's gone, the alt-right is everywhere!"

I notice the irony that liberals are supposed to do some soul-searching about why we lost and how we can reach out to those outside the echo chamber after losing to a guy with pretty much no capacity for introspection, humility, or ability to take criticism whatsoever.

Not to mention the fact that the GOP just won by appealing to rural working-class people with a candidate who's about the least rural working-class person there is.

I think her anger might be too much for four nights a week.

We saw how accurate the general election polls were, why would the hypothetical head-to-head polls be more accurate?

Glad to see a mention of Murder Ordained, my mom loves that one. Great cast.

She was actually over a decade younger when she was First Lady than Melania is.