Dino Ironbody

When the GOP refused to even consider confirming Garland my reaction was "Sure, let them look like assholes, see what that gets them." Little did I know the voters would actually reward them for it.

I thought the "go high" strategy was based on the idea that the public would prefer them for taking the high road over the GOP's low road. That's why liberals thought that embracing the "nasty woman" slur would make people prefer them for how mature and level-headed they were being. Unfortunately, it turns out a whole

Part 2 was my favorite movie in the series, though.

But he was talking about running in the 2012 election at the time but soon after announce he wouldn't.

What about his drop in the polls after the tape came out? Were the people who told the pollsters they wouldn't vote for Trump anymore just flat-out lying?

Right now I can see why he decided to spend more time with animals.

I wonder how many people were only pretending to be outraged by what Trump said on the tape but really didn't care much if at all.

The movie actually had a sequel in 1976 called Futureworld, and in 1980 there was a CBS show based on the first movie called Beyond Westworld that only had 5 episodes made.

Westworld wasn't based on a book.

I think these puns are A Bridge Too Far.

Reminds me of a time when exposing corruption actually had an impact.

Same here; Jon got me to care about politics in a way that made me feel that progress is possible. I think one of the reasons I'm in such despair right now is that satire failed to stop someone who's as far beyond self-parody as Trump is from getting elected. It's probably true that I was expecting too much from

It's weird to remember what a brilliant job Stephen did playing a right-wing blowhard on the Report and realize we just elected a president even more extreme than that character.

Yeah, I think thing will turn around eventually. Hell, we just had 8 years of an intellectual black guy named Barack Hussein Obama as our president. So I think think things will eventually be better, but boy if "eventually" doesn't feel like forever right now.

I always thought that Jon Stewart seemed to sincerely believe in the goodness of Americans and humanity in general, and I really liked that his comedy wasn't just based on the premise that everything sucks, but that there's a lot that sucks in the world but we have the potential to make it better; just remember the

Now we know who their Curt Schilling is.

I always admired how Jon Stewart tried to be fair to the other side. Of course, some liberals said he was trying too hard to be moderate and inoffensive, while conservatives still thought he was just another biased liberal.

I kinda doubt it; to me he seemed pretty bitter towards the end and I don't think he would've enjoyed covering Trump once it became clear he wasn't going away.

I doubt attacking him for things his supporters hate would work either, since they seem to be able to ignore/rationalize everything that doesn't fit their narrative.

I like the show but I'm glad that canned laughter is going away in general. I think the number of sitcoms in TV history that had canned laughter but flopped anyway shows that it doesn't have much impact on how much people like a show.