Dino Ironbody

Do you assume that people who like the show only like it because the canned laughter tells them to?

I usually just tune out canned laughter, but we all have our things that annoy us more than they do others.

Exactly, it's like when conservatives said that the reason we elected a commie Muslim like Obama was because McCain and Romney were too liberal.

Why do people bring up the canner laughter(FYI, it's a studio audience, not a laugh track) so much? Are we retroactively gonna declare all shows with canned laughter unfunny? Yes, I realize canned laughter is a dying trend(for which I am glad), but I don't see why we shouldn't judge the show's humor just on its own

Reminds me of a quote from this:

Why would asking Trump tough questions have changed anyone's mind?

Greetings from THE FUTURE!

I think he's probably glad he quit; I'm guessing he'd be completely apoplectic from having to cover this shit.

Then again, there are other satirists who aren't as angry as her and they didn't stop Trump either.

OK, but what kind of satire would actually change people's minds?

I agree that she can come across as too angry and smug, although not nearly as much as the people she satirizes.

Why would lambasting stupid people for being stupid change their minds?

Who are you referring to?

I wonder if the reason it looked like Hillary was gonna win after the "Grab 'em by the pussy" tape came out was that people were just flat-out lying to pollsters, pretending to be appalled by what he said and then using the e-mail thing as a convenient way to "reconsider."

Keep in mind that less than half of eligible voters voted in '96.

Just goes to show how little impact satire actually has.

This is one reason why I think blaming the media for Trump is misguided; there are so many different media sources now that people can pick and choose the ones that reinforce their beliefs and ignore the rest.

I remember Native American groups protesting during the '95 Series between the Indians and the Braves(of tomahawk chop infamy).

One ironic thing about their racist logo is that their 1948 team, their last World Series winner, was the first World Series winner to have a black player(two, in fact: Larry Doby and Satchel Paige).

So Trump won because Hillary had too many scandals? I think you're overestimating how much America wants a president who's actually honest and ethical. I think there's a good chance Bernie's socialism would've scared more people than Hillary's scandals.