Dino Ironbody

As much as I loved The Colbert Report, I think the fact that we might be about to elect someone more extreme than Stephen's character makes the show seem less biting in retrospect.

What makes you think they didn't like it when it came out? Ebert had plenty of reviews that were contrary to the opinions of most critics.

It has a 92% RT rating.

Theo deserves props too. "Oh my god, the quarterback is toast!"

"I must have missed 60 Minutes. What are you saying?"

I think the fact that the 5th Die Hard movie was the only one that was always intended to be a Die Hard movie shows that Hollywood re-purposing isn't always a bad thing.

I love his "Well, I'm dead!" helpless laugh he gives after he realizes John isn't gonna give up the detonators.

I think Hart Bochner deserves more praise for the amount of skin-crawling smarm he put into his performance as Ellis.

The weird part about that is that Trump doesn't really try that hard to appear to be god-fearing. He's made a few token mentions about how great the Bible is(even better than The Art of the Deal!), but that's about it. He doesn't even try to hide how much he worships himself, making his support among Christians all

One good thing about high-scoring games is the give and take, like last night when the Indians came back, the Cubs retook the lead, and the Indians almost came back before the Cubs finally ended it.

Say what you will about him now, but I think Dennis Miller was really funny in the '80s and '90s.

So you're saying it's basically the scandal equivalent of "one death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic"?

I don't watch cable news, so can someone explain why there's so much schadenfreude associated with Blitzer's performance on Jeopardy?

After John Oliver criticized her, she blasted "corporate comedians" using "oppressive tactics" to silence blah blah blah.

How is it that people seem determined to unlearn every new terrible thing we learn about Trump, but every time this e-mail thing gets regurgitated people react like Hillary's the first politician ever who's ever done anything even slightly questionable?

If Trump's popularity is any indication, yes.

Even though we've become painfully aware of how much progress we have to make in the area of racism, we should also recognize just how much progress we've made to reach this point in the first place.

Can I be both? I'm a longtime Trek fan so I'm biased towards DS9, but I think B5 is pretty damn good in its own right.

Apparently Trump is gaining in the polls again. How short are people's memories for another e-mail thing to make them forget everything Trump did just in the last month?

Yeah, I think part of my disappointment was the idea of "With this short a run, this show better be jam-packed with awesome to justify its reputation" and then watching it and finding that I thought it basically conformed to the normal good-to-bad ratio you mentioned. For comparison, Buffy's first season had only 12