Dino Ironbody

I thought Firefly was more similar to Blake's 7 than Farscape.

Which of his stuff have you seen, if any? I really liked Buffy, especially the first three seasons(season three being my favorite).

(thinking) Whedon…Shakespeare…(gets idea) Have you seen his version of Much Ado About Nothing?

Anyone else think Firefly isn't that great? I just finished re-watching all of it(including the movie) after first watching it a few years ago, and I still think it's good but not mind-blowingly awesome. Sure, it sucks it was canceled so quickly, but there are other one-season sci-fi shows I liked as much if not more.

"For you, the day Booker graced your ballot was the most important day of your life, but for me it was Tuesday." (Hey, the Tuesday thing matches up!)

If the Cubs win it all, what would take their place at the most tortured team in the major pro sports? I'd go with the Detroit Lions, since they've only won one playoff game since winning the NFL title in 1957.

Yeah, I think it was more based on the idea that Saddam would do something like 9/11 than that he was actually involved in 9/11.

Are the Baby Boomers really worse than other generations? I wonder if the reason people are annoyed with Baby Boomers isn't just that there are just so many of them.

People love to remember the '60s because stuff happened, maaaaan! To me, though, the '90s kinda seem like a golden era in retrospect because nothing was really happening(I'm oversimplifying, but whatever).

I was 16 and supported it too. One thing I think a lot of people forget was that there was a certain optimism surrounding the war because we were gonna overthrow a tyrant and give a whole country freedom! Americans were in a bad place after 9/11, we weren't thinking about the long-term consequences.

That gives me an idea for a comedy sketch about a period piece where the characters can hear the period-appropriate songs on the soundtrack.

I like The Exorcist better before the devil shows up. Not that I think the rest of the movie isn't good, but I think it's scarier when they don't know what's wrong with her, and after that it's all "Grrrrrr I'm the Devil grrrrrrr!"

I think Jon had some impact, not so much by changing people's minds as by helping young people get interested in politics and getting them on his side.

How many more "He's an asshole, but he gets RESULTS!" shows are there gonna be?

Why isn't "symbology" a real word, anyway? Sounds to me like a better word for the study of symbols than "semiotics."

And Maher did?

The article's title makes me imagine him literally kicking a fan like that "shit's gonna hit the fan" joke in Airplane!

I think often it seems like they write their main story as just a serious investigative piece and then add jokes later in a way that seems kinda forced.

I think Jon Stewart's had much more of a positive impact than Maher has. Cutting through the noise doesn't help if you do it in a way that doesn't get people on your side.

My biggest problem with him is that I don't think he knows how he comes across. He seems to me like he just can't understand why anyone wouldn't think he's a genius, and that he thinks he's perfectly entitled to be an asshole to anyone who disagrees.