Dino Ironbody

I wonder if there will be as much denial among Republicans about them losing as there was in 2012.

The name "Indecision (year)" actually comes from Comedy Central's coverage of the 1992 election, hosted by Al Franken and Arianna Huffington.

I didn't care much for Norm on Update, since a lot of his jokes were based on saying obvious things like "OJ did it" or "Demi Moore has huge breasts." I liked his impressions, though, especially his Burt Reynolds.

I think of him as kinda being like Adam Sandler 4.0, with 2.0 and 3.0 being Jimmy Fallon and Andy Samberg, respectively.

Must've been hard for him to follow Tom Bakker.

I think of Spinal Tap's "Stonehenge" as being like a hard rock version of "Atlantis."

Weirdly enough, in Gene Siskel's review of Volunteers he called Hanks "the poor man's Bill Murray" and said about him: "…as in The Man with One Red Shoe and Bachelor Party, he again turns us off with his smug attitude. Murray is smug and cocky in all of his films, too, but there is a human, relaxed, everyman base to

Haven't they suffered enough just being his children and all?

"I have the most friends, the best, classiest, most luxurious friends in the world."

He tries to give off the impression that he really loves being himself and being Donald Trump is awesome and all, but I have a feeling he's pretty miserable underneath all that bluster.

"All Corporations Merged Into OmniCorp"

I think if Trump actually became president we'd run out of jokes about him pretty quickly and then the fact of him being president would just be too sad to be funny.

I don't believe it!

Pierce Bros-naan

"Would you like a refill on that Pepsi?"

What was the second one?

Why are there so many actors named Glover?

At least this year they have another sports title to fall back on.

It would've been awesome if in 2003 we'd had a Cubs-Red Sox World Series while the Sawx still hadn't broken the curse.

Plenty of good people support bad things(and vice versa).