Dino Ironbody

My dad supports Trump and I don't consider him a deplorable.

I had the same thought: Why would you identify yourself in that group? It's like if you're a man who supports Trump and she said half of male Trump supporters had a small penis and you're like "No, I don't!"

The first thing I remember her from is a Twix commercial. "Oh, blogging! I love blogging!"

I'd be more sympathetic to third parties if they seemed more interested in getting elected than in just talking how much better they'd be than the mainstream candidates if they were elected. They may complain about being called a wasted vote, but I don't see how they have a plan to be more than just a spoiler.

That's assuming he's not fueled by entitled rage.

You mean he's not the healthiest person ever?

Remember when Obama said that small businesses benefited from roads and bridges and other things they didn't build, and Republicans reacted like he'd called for the abolition of private property?

I think the third parties are also putting the lie to the idea that if only people knew more about them they'd be more popular.

Out of curiosity, do you know if MST3K considered any other movies to riff on for their movie?

Kenneth McMillan(nitpickery must flow…).

Pumpkin spice eggnog must flow.

Weirdly enough, in that book Al said that Ailes was great to work with when he appeared on Comedy Central's Indecision '92 coverage(BTW, that's when CC's use of the "Indecision (year)" name began).

I loved Monday's cold open where Stephen complained that his pants were "rigged" because they didn't fit anymore.

Hey, if "Alien" was a classic, why not "Android"?

"What smells like blue?"

I love that he didn't even change his voice when he was pretending to be his own spokesman. It's like a scheme a really inept cartoon villain would come up with.

I like Trek more, but I think '60s Doctor Who was better about gender equality.

"Deplorables" is gonna be for Hillary's administration what "bitter clingers" was for Obama's.

I'm tired of people saying "Don't we have problems on Earth?" as a reason not to spend money on space travel.

Agreed, and part of the reason I was disappointed with the pessimism in Aurora was that it was so different from the optimism of the Mars trilogy.