Dino Ironbody

Early in the election season, one of the reasons I assumed he couldn't win the nomination was because of how thin-skinned he was. Little did I know how many people would mistake an inability to take criticism or mockery for being a no-nonsense badass.

OK, but at one point Robinson seemed to suggest that the dream of interstellar travel inevitably leads to neglecting the Earth, which strikes me as a really false dichotomy.

Keep in mind that the ship would start out with people who volunteered to spend the rest of their lives on the ship, so it's not like they'd be making their descendants do anything they weren't willing to do themselves. Also, as others have pointed out, in the past many colonists' descendants didn't have a choice in

Has anyone else read the Kim Stanley Robinson novel Aurora? It's about a generational ship on a voyage to another solar system. Overall I thought it was good, but I also found it kinda depressing because the message seemed to be that traveling to other solar systems is a futile effort and that people who dreamed up

I wonder which Cub will become a Fox News blowhard.

When Trump supporters are all "Like you've never done/said anything like that before!" they actually seem surprised when the response is "Fuck no! Do you really assume everyone is as bad as him?"

Kellyanne Conway defending Trump makes this Daily Show bit from 2002 especially funny(her part is about 0:30-1:10): http://www.cc.com/video-cli…

Are you assuming Bernie would be doing better?

Apparently he thinks being "vulgar" and "salty" are the worst things about Trump, therefore he's just like Quint.

I noticed some conservatives calling liberals hypocrites for being outraged by what Trump said on the tape, since liberals want to have lots of freaky sex all the time. I think they can't really tell the difference between just talking about sex and actually degrading women, so they assume just talking about sex is

Has he ever been accused of rape or sexual assault? As far as I know he hasn't, which actually makes what he said more puzzling to me.

I've noticed than even bleeding-heart liberals can go for the "lock 'em up and throw away the key" mentality under the right circumstances.

I really hope SNL has Will Ferrell appear as Harry Caray if the Cubs make it to the World Series.

Ed Wood made movies before MST3K culture existed. I wonder if his movies would've remained so un-self-aware if there was an internet's worth of people mocking his work.

I was gonna go with Bargain Basement Christopher Walken.

Well yeah, the reason Trump got so much coverage is because he's a good showman. The fact that that's not the way it should be doesn't really have anything to do with the fact that that's how it is. Unfortunately, a lot of people found him entertaining enough to watch and give the media greater incentive to cover him

Yeah, I think it's basically NBC's fault for making short-sighted decisions(although things ultimately ended up OK considering Fallon and Meyers are doing well in the ratings). In 20/20 hindsight I think they should've just let Leno host as long as he wanted(barring a significant ratings drop) and have Conan either

All aboard the Nitpick Express!

I wonder how long Conan would've had the show if not for that.

"Hello, Arianne. Whaaaaat's happening? Um, I'm gonna neeeeed you to let me grab your pussy, so if you could just be here around (checks watch) now, that would be greeeeeat. Mmmkay?"