How is it a strawman?
How is it a strawman?
Just saw The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra and loved it. I've read people(including Roger Ebert) basically say that the film is just a really good imitation of a bad movie but fails as a movie because you can't intentionally make something so bad it's good, but I strongly disagree because I think the filmmakers had great…
It seems like his blatant hypocrisy only makes his supporters more convinced of his honesty.
Would it be pointless to wonder how much cognitive dissonance is involved in believing that a man who inherited a massive fortune and who's been a celebrity since before millennials were born is an outsider?
I like how he's a little too proud of that.
I thought his performance as the upstart director was an underrated part of Spinal Tap.
B5 was basically LotR as a space show, so…
I think that Elvis is another case where his cultural significance sometimes makes people forget just how talented he was.
Benjamin Harrison was.
I doubt that the media refusing to legitimize Trump would actually diminish his support. Remember, his supporters believe that they're victims of the "elites" like the "mainstream media."
"The Empire has closed us down!"
My memory could be faulty on this, but from what I remember Jimmy's laughing didn't really become a major problem until his last year or two on the show.
Are you implying that TNG was just a decent show at its best?
Have we ever had a president who didn't do any terrible things?
Don't forget Jack Buck's call: "This is gonna be a home run! Unbelievable! A home run for Gibson! And the Dodgers have won the game 5 to 4. I don't belieeeeeve…..what I just saw!
"Al, my prediction is that whoever puts the most points on the scoreboard will probably win tonight's football game"
I wonder why so many NFL announcers say National Football League instead of just NFL. "That's the kind of play you have to make in the National Football League." So that's what it stands for!
He just wasn't built with paradox-absorbing crumple zones.
I think GLaDOS would make a better fit for HAL.