Dino Ironbody

I'm just amazed that it's the 15th anniversary of the start of season 13.

Just curious, where did you find this out?

Was McMahon known for being like that?

One thing i thought was interesting about the show was that they made the sidekick even more pathetic than the host. It kinda fits that the host would be self-absorbed, but you'd think the sidekick would be more humble so it's interesting to me they made Hank more egocentric and downright nasty than Larry.

They give loooooove a BAD name! (I'm pretty sure that's a Motley Crue song.)

"No fuckin' shit, lady! Do I sound like I'm ordering the early bird special?"

He did mention he was going to stop doing the Report pretty soon anyway, so I think he's doing the kind of show he wants to do, not being forced to.

I like how The Onion makes it seem like he's Jim Anchower's dad.

Is it me or does his voice sound different when he does voiceovers than when he does regular acting? Seems to me like his voice in live-action roles sounds different than him as Dilbert or the Wonder Years narrator.

Sphere's been one of my favorite books since I was a kid.

I don't understand how the MADtv name is such a draw that they couldn't have just presented it as a completely new show.

People who wish he'd never left the Report should keep in mind that he said he would've left the show soon even if he hadn't got the Late Show. Besides, Trump's kinda made his Report character redundant(Stephen said himself that Trump is doing his character better than he ever did).

I like that Bernie is idealistic and fights for what he believes in, but I think he also has a healthy sense of pragmatism. I assume he's none too pleased about the way he's been treated by the DNC, but he's still supporting Hillary because he knows when to put his personal grievances aside for the greater good.

I've heard Bernie supporters talk like he's more electable than Hillary because of how much more honest and trustworthy he is. I wonder what makes them think people actually want a president who's honest and trustworthy.

Exactly. He's not honest at all, he just fits some people's idea of what an honest politician would be like("He doesn't bow down to the PC police"). I think his success is strong evidence that people don't necessarily want politicians who are honest and trustworthy.

I've noticed people making the same kind of "But people don't feel things are getting better" emotional appeals on the economy too.

Funny how Ben Carson tried to scare people by associating Hillary with Alinsky even though that same tactic didn't work with Obama eight years ago.

I assume you don't think the fact that Gone With the Wind still has a big cultural imprint means your opinion of the movie is wrong.

No, I just liked the movie.

I didn't mean "classic" in terms of how old it is. Are there no movies widely considered great that you think sucked?