Din of Inequity

I’m sorry your grandma went through that. My family is Catholic too, yet both sides went with vastly different approaches. Aunt Geri’s was swift and with palliative care, and Babcia’s was long and drawn out, her wishes be damned. I’m grateful that when my Busia’s second husband, who was the only grandfather I ever

Go Aunt Jean! That’s sad, but great. My Aunt Gerri and your Aunt Jean’s approach were vastly different to my Babcia’s approach. While my dad and his one sister wanted to let her go due to her ovarian cancer and Alzheimer’s, something she wanted as well, since they weren’t her power of attorney and my other aunt and

Now playing

I recommend this video of Dee Snyder testifying in front of the PMRC in 1885.

Hold up, I’ve got something - about 3 people showed up, and late, but there were more BLM supporters anyway. Check this out.

I unfortunately think that little has changed... I wasn’t alive in the 70s so I can’t speak to that, but I remember still getting attention from men my dad’s age and older starting from around age 11 or 12 in the early/mid 2000s... I was tall and well-endowed, sure, but I was clearly and obviously a child. It didn’t

I was 13-14 in the mid-70s, and I got a lot of attention from grown men. I was thrilled by it. Boys my age either ignored me, barked at me, or called me names. Adult men talked to me like I was a person, admired me, complemented me. At the time, it was bliss, and I felt it made me special. And thanks mainly to a lack

You know, if it was deployed correctly that weird-ass bug dress could be cool. Those shoes, however, need to be thrown into a pit and burned until nothing remains.

I think Duncan burned her on Twitter:

This made me laugh out loud.

Fun fact:

His behaviour on the twitter account has been very poor. I am surprised his public relations hasn’t switched it over to another person tweeting for him.

They still live with Kris, fun fact.

Fun fact: If you spend money like a crazy person you’ll go broke. Even if you’re a successful recording artist.

I thought maybe he is fighting against the realization he is predisposed to the rampant mental illness which seems to run in his family, genetically speaking.

ICU nurse going on nearly three decades. Taken care of a lot of failed suicides and most of them save for a tiny percentage could not figure or envision another way out from the darkness. Honestly feeling it was the best way to alleviate their suffering and spare their loved ones from their horrible desperate illness.

My dad killed himself when my brother was 3 yrs and I was 6 mos. He did it because he developed a lung disease from working as a stonemason, suffered from anxiety and depression (for which he was unsuccessfully receiving treatment) and, as a victim of childhood sexual abuse, he couldn’t live his own thoughts and

she’s retweeting people who are tweeting her pics of their cleavage go see it


This selfish comment is made out of ignorance by you and others that do not understand the dynamic or mental process that depressed and desperate people experience. Often, the victim is convinced it will be the best solution for everyone, or they may be in so much pain that family and social connections are drowned