Din of Inequity

Fission bomb yes. Fusion bomb is several orders of magnitude more complicated—USSR had the basic outlines of the US plans and data and they still took a few attempts to get it right, and it’s not like the Soviet nuclear braintrust wasn’t brilliant.

This will be buried down below 100+ 6 month old comments because Kinja, but the seismic event that they claim this produced was about a 5.1, which is less energy than the bombs dropped on Japan in WWII and far short of what one would expect from an underground H-Bomb.

A big wave after a roll in the swell. Kinda like a high side on a bike with a cement wall for the stoppage. Think roll port, crest starboard, roll starboard on down-swell and slam into next swell. I have a busted hip from one of these. Add on getting thrown into a rock reef (Bad timing getting the survival suit down

I’m a liberal Texan, too. I just love Blue Bell cuz I’m a fat fuck.

Go buy some Talenti Gelato and thank me later. It was also started in Texas (though is now based out of Atlanta IIRC).

It’s crazy that you might have the same journey length as I would to access abortion/ termination services and that would be with me flying from Ireland to England. Abortion may be legal in America but it sure as hell isn’t accessible or as available as it should be, which is ceying shame.

I'm not sure about this but I think the whole cookies and cream phenomenon started with Blue Bell. I know I'd never heard of it until I was living in Texas in the 80s, which was when I discovered it. It was heaven.

(like how my doctor’s appointment to look at the 20wk ultrasound was conveniently after the termination deadline despite the actual ultrasound being before.)

Liberal Texans unite! When I had my youngest, I lived on Blue Bell chocolate chip ice cream. I feel you.

Technically, I live in Virginia, so not much better (like how my doctor’s appointment to look at the 20wk ultrasound was conveniently after the termination deadline despite the actual ultrasound being before.) And Blue Bell isn’t delivering to VA yet. ☹☹

I’m just concerned if it’s true, but I'm also your token Texan liberal. I’m pregnant. I need my blue bell ☹️

Kathy doesn’t drink. Randy Kaye (Kay?) and Don Lemon on the other hand...

I’m a scientist, so I constantly have to convert back and forth between the metric system and freedom units.

Kathy is a teetotaler.

While we’re at it, what the fuck has Lebron done lately for the Syrian refugees? Nothing, that’s what. Just sitting there, playing basketball and letting evil flourish.

Chris, I love you to death, but you’re on a slippery ass slope here. You took a bold stand - one that likely cost you your professional career - and you’ve rightfully been commended for that. But where does it end? You could sell your big house in Orange County, move to the Inland Empire, and donate the delta to

I would think that it would have to have several different densities to work properly... From what I’ve read you use X-rays to ablate the fogbank/styrofoam, so you may need both to have a implosion to get the velocity and pressure you’d need to compress the secondary/tertiary and initiate fusion.

You forgot the Zipper, an external neutron initiator. Of course, you could just use an Urchin (polonium/Beryllium) internal initiator, but then you have issues with tritium boosting.

The idea with salting a nuclear device with cobalt is to produce maximum fallout. Using several of these devices might in fact be capable of ending life on earth, at least higher forms of it. A real doomsday device.

Neutron bombs 4lyfe.