
Ewww! Goodness Kara, maybe just don’t watch it! Since you seem to love one of the worst things about the show I can’t even take you seriously! Some of us, ok, most of us, are really fucking jazzed about this! And ya know what, life is hard, fun is sparse and the world is heading towards a breakdown. Can I please just

To anyone saying he could have easily remedied his paperwork. I have high functioning anxiety that allows me to do most stuff. But when it comes to official serious stuff, my anxiety completely over takes me. I have wasted so much money paying fines or late fees or just flat out losing out on stuff because I just

That is soooo unsettling! When I was about 6 my parents room was right next my bedroom. It was an old Victorian era house where the top floor was almost attic like due to the large rooms and weird ceilings. My parents were in bed watching tv and had dozed off. They hear something in their closet throwing stuff on the

There is a pretty good movie about this with Adam Driver. I had a hard time watching it but it was very well done. Hungry Hearts

My husband and I have a company where we design and sell lapel pins. And every god damn day someone is making a pin or a patch of this poor girl. It seriously bothers me that so many people are making a quick buck of this girl!

Also, my aunt used to be a VP for Khols before retiring last year. And they have a HUGE team of artists who they pay for their work. This is just ridiculous! They are willing to pay for art, just not this art! UGH!

UGH! I met her a few months ago when I was working my booth at a show. She is the sweetest person ever and I love her artwork! What a bunch of spineless dickwads!!

I broke down crying at my desk yesterday when this little boys photo popped up. How we can act like this isnt something we HAVE to fix is beyond me. It’s like who fucking cares the cause, thats semantics just fix this fucking shit so people stop dying!!

It was equal parts great and really hard to watch! But I just get uncomfortable for people haha

What planet are you from? And is everyone as dumb as you?

Third! Fuck them forever!

If Jonah Hill thinks he is as attractive as Leo or Brad, his frail ego is not the only issue we have. Holy shit thats just straight up delusion.

He has never been known as a family man, and yeah not organized at all. Also how dare anyone even go there with him! He’s everyone’s favorite drunk uncle!

I spent my entire Sunday watching my 20 month old niece. She is the light of my life. I literally sat there watching her be a goofy crazy baby and imagined how great her future will be. I just cannot even relate to any human who looks at a baby and thinks, yeah I’ll take out my shit on that. So heartbreaking. I hope