
No one said they had to be towing or hauling 24/7. Even if they only haul or tow once a month, if it can’t do it then it’s a non starter. A lot of people buy trucks because they are like a Swiss army knife, commute to work during the week, play/work on the weekends. 

It may be anecdotal,or maybe I live in backwards land, but the vast majority of truck owners where I live, myself included, use their trucks for it's intended purpose. Almost every single person I know who owns a truck also owns some sort of recreational vehicle that needs to be towed, be it a camper, race car, boat

Here’s the problem I see with trucks. Sure, it might get 300 Miles of range on a charge but what happens to that range with a 6-7-8000# (or more) trailer on the back? A lot of people do use trucks for their intended purpose and not being able to tow a camper into the wilderness for a weekend without making sure you

How is it more important? If he/she is able to safely power the house as it stands, it would be dumb to upgrade the house just so they could have an EV. The amount of money it would cost to do the upgrade would purchase 100s of gallons of fuel for their existing vehicle making an EV purchase a wasteful decision. 

Our X5 diesel would make it from Reno to LA, plus drive around town before making it to the hotel on a tank without getting into the reserve. There’s something liberating about being able to stop when I want to, not because the car needs to charge or fill up.

You sent a 72 Bavaria to the junkyard!? I don’t care what was wrong with it, it shouldn’t have been relegated to scrap. It’s not like it was a Neon with a blown engine.

Considering an RX-7 was 9.8 secs, a Supra was 9.2 secs, and a BMW 320i was 11.6 secs i’d say it wasn’t far off from its peers at the time. Heck, a Mustang 5.0 only did it in 7.7 secs! Those were dark times for performance, but it was the same for everyone. 

Everyone says they are slow, and by todays standards that’s probably correct. But in the early 80's, they were about as fast as a 924, Jag xj6 and a few other sports cars. The car weighed 2800#’s and made 130hp/162ft/lbs. That’s really not to shabby for the time.

I still have memories of seeing this on the side of the 101 back in the late seventies early eighties. We’d drive by it on the way down from Santa Barbara whenever my parents would take me to Disneyland.

Great story. Couple of issues though. One I80 doesn’t run through Lake Tahoe. And two, Hwy 50 doesn’t start in Reno, it starts in Sacramento and runs through Tahoe, down the hill and through Carson City before starting out across Nevada. Also, I’m extremely surprised you couldn’t find that wiper in Reno or Carson City.

The interior, at least the center area, looks straight out of a BMW. I don’t necessarily think that’s a bad thing its just a first glance that’s what I thought of.

Just for the record, that’s not a roots type blower, that’s a centrifugal.  But CP no less.

I’m sorry but there is nothing wrong with “off brand” tires, as you put it.  Just because they don’t say BFGoodrich or Interco, doesn’t mean they aren’t good.  My Hercules tires on my truck have been some of the best tires I have owned and were 100's of dollars cheaper than “name brand”

So, what would happen if someone pulled in front of him and gave him a little brake check? And how bad would that be?  Asking for a friend.

No they did not. It’s the same old PITA setup.

That I’m not sure of. I’m quite a bit more familiar with the e21's, i just know the shift linkages are sort of similar.

Not true. These do have a shift linkage. The shifter body is bolted to the trans (by way of a rod) but there is a rod that connect to the shift rail in the trans. The plastic bushings get worn and can make it quite difficult to shift

Of course Tesla sold so many last year, they had a pent up demand for them. People already put down money in advance. Let’s see if they are able to maintain the lead year over year, or is it going to level out to an average similar to any other luxury model.

While I agree with most of your thinking, I do think your timeline is a bit optimistic. I highly doubt that all new ICE vehicles will disappear from the market by 2029, I just don’t see large trucks/SUVs going electric that fast. And 20 years is an awfully short time span to eliminate all gas stations. The average

I hear ya, I’m the same way. I’d prefer to relax and just go with the flow but it’s almost a requirement to start driving aggressive and tailgate once you get into traffic. It really raises the the stress level of a person. Everyone just needs to chill out and we’ll all get where were going safely.