
I’m in my third HOA now.

Not really true. When you buy a home you are paying, one way or another, for the infrastructure and its maintenance. Whether it is via taxes, development bonds, homeowner dues, etc. You have to pay. The price you pay includes the infrastructure. Your ongoing fees / taxes maintain it.

I mean.... yeah oddly I don’t hate it. Good on him. 

This rocks, actually

Yes, the Stanley drinkware contains lead. It is sealed off at the base of the mug and covered up. Unless the mug is damaged and that little cap on the bottom comes off, there is no risk of lead contact.

Grabthar’s Hammer for avenging.

It can go from 10 to 80 percent charge in 18 minutes with 240-kW fast-charging

Why oh why do I like this thing so much? I never even conceived of the possibility that someone would lift one of these eyesore. But now someone has, and it looks pretty darn good to me. I can see someone buying it for a price close to what they're askong.

The Car of L’il Sebastian lovers everywhere

One word:

Right? Jalopnik has become just as insufferable and unapologetically progressive (in the worst way possible) as the rest of the former Gawker properties have been for a while. Shame, this was once such a top notch, car enthusiast-oriented blog.

I mean, I am all about those ships reducing their footprint, but telling someone what they need or want to do is lame.

You don’t need to go on a cruise. And you especially don’t need to go on this cruise.”

Are we really still pretending that the Model 3 is a legitimate competitor for the 3 series? The build quality isn’t even close to the same standard, the interior is worse than all but the cheapest of economy cars, and it’s somehow even less reliable. Maybe a few years ago you could argue about Tesla having the

Meanwhile ICE trucks be going 500+ miles on a tank of gas...

Why anyone would want to hand Elon money at this point is beyond me. 

Shouldn’t you be out driving your gray CR-V at 5 under the limit? 

There are entire families that devote a ton of their time and resources to this cultural tradition and it is a rich culture for Chicanos in LA. Don’t yuck other peoples’ yums bro

Some of these comments make me think it’s computer hour at some retirement community right now.

Asphalt defender. That’s a new one.