
$400 dollars for seats?! That’s it? Try finding a nice pair of factory Recaros for a BMW e21. You’d only dream of a price like that.

How does the lift cause a drop in power?

I agree. Had a 06 M Roadster and that thing would swap ends just by looking at it funny.

He just said 1000 miles across America, not that he went from coast to coast. I can drive 20 miles across Nevada and it still be accurate, I’m just not saying I traversed the entire state in 20 miles.

The “used to be about history” channel.

The ship Serenity from Firefly. Browncoats unite!

Heck! I’ve seen only one as well! And I live in Reno, literally 19 miles from where they are manufactured.

Extra star for the Clerks quote!

Agreed! Not to mention that the stupid outrigger drawing a red line to every ship. If there was any chance of them possibly sneaking up or staying hidden from you, just look for the plume of red dirt coming right at you.

Not to mention Wade’s name was written on the bottom of the toys ala Woody.

I agree. I remember buying a 78 Corolla Sport Coupe for $500 and a 75 Celica for $350, and this was in the 90s. And there were at least 10 of each in the pick and pulls as well so parts were plentiful. People glorify them now but back then, they were disposable.

You realize this is NOT what anti lag sounds like. This is what launch control sounds like. Anti lag works after lifting the throttle to keep the turbo spinning. Launch control cuts cylinders under full throttle to maintain a set RPM during launches. Since he was under full throttle, it could not be anti lag generated

6000 rpm? Try 4500 cause thats pretty much the redline on my 95 k2500 454.

So, your saying that a person working with gloves on should remove them every time they get in the truck to move it or else they should have their underwear yanked up from behind. Is that correct?

How is 12000 lbs pathetic when the Chevrolet is just over 9k and the outgoing Ram is 10k. Sure the F150 is more, but seriously, if you’re going to be towing 12 -13k pounds you really should be looking at a 3/4 ton instead of maxing out the capacity of a 1/2 ton.

I want just saying parts. Heck for awhile the Chevy Nova was a Toyota Corolla. Maserati and Alfa both use Ferrari built engines. All I’m saying is that it doesn’t matter who makes the parts, it’s the sum of the parts that make the car good or not.

It’s never about ROI, or least it never should be. If a person modifies a car to try and increase its value, then they’re a fool and will soon be parted from their money. I’ve got probably over $20k invested into what is maybe a $6k E21 but I never did it as an investment or to expect my money back. I did it to make

You do understand that almost all manufacturers share parts with other manufacturers at some point. That doesn’t mean they can’t call it their own. Is a Pontiac TranAm not a Pontiac because it uses a Chevy (or Olds) engine? Is a Chrysler 300 not a Chrysler because it uses Mercedes parts? Range Rover with Buick engine.

I also own a 79 320i and I have to disagree. Parts are plentiful, check realoem, pelican and bavauto and don’t really cost more than any other car. Yes, interior and trim parts may be a little difficult but not impossible, heck, I still have these show up in my local pick and pull.

Know why I prefer to pump gas myself? Because I don’t want some minimum wage, high school dropout dumping fuel all over my paint or ramming the nozzle into the side of my car.