
In Nevada, antique/street rod plates just mean you don’t have to smog the vehicle. You just can’t drive move than 5000 miles a year. I have them on my 79 BMW. My insurance company couldn’t care less how it’s registered, I just told them it’s a “show” car and they believed me.

That might be good where you’re at but often where I’m at you don’t realized how much snow has fallen on the other side of town. You could have 1" on the east side and 5"on the west. And since we have a 2" trigger, if I don’t see enough where I’m at, I won’t know to go out and drop the blade elsewhere.

I agree. I’ve had instances where I live that after only about 3-4 inches of heavy, wet snow it starts becoming to much to push in one pass with our trucks.

Because cash leaves no paper trail, is accepted everywhere and has absolutely no fees involved to use it. (Banks sometime charge to cash checks if you don’t have an account with them)

I concur!

Oh yeah! Mine was a Commodore VIC 20. 1.1 mhz with 20k memory. Loaded games off a tape drive.

Will Arnett?

32 mpg on the hwy cruising at 80, I wonder how you do it. My 2012 X5 35d gets 27 mpg while cruising at those speeds. Dropping to 65-70 mph does bump it up to over 30 though. Who knows though, your’s is 2 years newer so maybe things changed.

I was hoping someone would post this.

They used a waste spark on a points type system? Wow, that does seem crude. Everyone else (except HD i suppose) had no problems using a distributor with one lobe per cylinder, why couldn’t they? Its not like that is tremendously more complicated.

You don’t know fun till you have to deal with dual (or even three) sidedraft Webers.

I seem to recall an article I read many years ago that said a 426 Hemi was built so loose that it typically required a rebuild at 80k miles.

I have fond memories of the 87 Turbo RS my parents had. I too will someday own one again if I can find a decent one.

Seems odd that they would be incredibly slow. Maybe by today’s standards, 95 HP is miniscule but back then, that was par for the course. Plus the thing only weighed 2000lbs. That puts it about level with a BMW 20002 or a e21 and both of those are fun enough to put a smile on your face.

You do know that it had been shown that dishwashers are more efficient than hand washing. They use less energy and water. Also, if you’re so concerned about residual traces of Cascade on the dishes, why aren’t you worried about residual traces of hand dishwashing detergent on them. I doubt you are any more efficient

I agree. I could/ can’t understand how people can be so abusive to a vehicle and still call themselves “car people”. Even at 16, with my first car, was always clean and maintained (and that thing was primer black. You know how odd that must have looked to my neighbors, washing.a primer car almost daily!) I would have

HOA’s can suck but here’s the issue i have. A house is a huge investment, and i’d like to be able to make a little money off it when it comes time to sell. Or at the least, not lose money. But that would be more difficult if my house was right next door to the ass with the engine hanging from a tree and the 4 cars on

Here’s my “Glad the cops were there” story.  Easter quite a few years back, my wife an I were driving back from California. As we were coming down 50 into Tahoe this ass in a CRX was driving erratic, tailgating us, honking, just being a real asshole. When we get to the bottom of the hill he pulls up alongside the left

I wish I could give more stars for the Buckaroo Banzai reference!

Yep, It was around that time that I bought my 1968 4spd GTO for $1500. My god how things have changed. I do miss those days.