
If only he’d played the Spider-Man from Spider-Man: Reign, who gave his MJ cancer via his radioactive semen.

Sometimes my high school students turn in writing with a professional level vocabulary and formal style and catching them out is as easy as asking them to define a word the used.

My drawings have been plagiarized before, and at first I was like, “Oh okay, they’re just using what I drew to practice drawing, totally fine.” Then I read what they had to say about it, which was something like, “These images have just been bouncing around my head for so long, I had to get them out.”

Someone plagiarized from my college paper for his MA! Six years later I finally called his school and confronted him via email. The bastard threatened to sue me after they revoked his masters!

I have a friend who teaches at a uni and she had a student who had been given an extension on their assignment so they just had to email it to her directly. When they did they accidentally forwarded the entire convo thread of them buying the essay from someone, including haggling over price!


When I was working on a project, this guy started telling stories that were lifted word for word from Bill Maher’s novel. I’m probably the only other person to have read it. Of course, since I’m a dick, I told everyone, and we spent the rest of the project talking about the time the we were walking home in a ham

I dunno, I think having the words she stole permanently tattooed on her is...

Worlds deadliest peashooter. “For God’s sake,don’t let him have a straw”.

You don’t seem to understand why that cliche is a problem.

I’d like it if next season broke with comic book tradition and had the surgeons exit the highly experimental procedure and say “Welp, that was interesting, but it didn’t work. Whaddya gonna do?” and Dex ends up paralyzed and then can only hurt people with words.

And then Gus speaks to him in German. That’s so Gus!

Maybe the Frenchman’s blabbing about doing work for another client (building the tunnel under the Mexico/US border) was what lost him the job. Gus is a pro. He respects other pros. He won’t suffer someone who has the potential to go off bragging about building an underground super lab for a drug king pin. 

We saw inside the box in the first episode of the series, when Gene rummages through it to find the tape of his old commercial as Saul. It’s apparently a box of personal mementos, and by that point, at least, it also included a Panamanian passport; some vintage photos of what might be his family; an envelope of newer

Let’s not get too generous with the “too much integrity” part. Sessions isn’t recusing himself from the decision-making process because he’s a noble and honorable citizen, he’s recusing himself because he was involved in the Trump campaign and he’d be in a lot of legal jeopardy if he obstructed an investigation into

As many as 45 House Republicans could lose their seats in the upcoming midterm election

Remember when everyone thought the internet was leading us into an information utopia? Boy, were we dumb.

Ewan McGregor: I’d be delighted to make an Obi-Wan movie at the drop of a hat, but as far as I can tell, Disney has pretty much forgotten that the character of Obi-Wan even exists.

Came across this in the wikipedia list of wrestling terms when I was trying to figure out what the hell the “Every potato has a receipt” meant.

So Doloras wins, wipes out humanity and the hosts spend endless millenia torturing endless versions of Ed Harris?