*defuse. Christ, that’s one of my peeves.
*defuse. Christ, that’s one of my peeves.
TV’s Donald Trump, notedly not real life Donald Trump who is a gutless coward who ducks confrontation and prefers to have underlings handle layoffs.
Yeah, but who gives a good fuck what you think?
Next episode is Drogon wrecking shit, but it’s off screen and Dany just explains whats happening.
I guess they enabled Fast Build along with Fast Travel.
I’m the smartest person my brother ever met, because he’s dumb and all his friends are dumb.
Half the reason people go into torturer field is to see some dick. It’s not the insurance plans, I’ll tell you that.
Never tortured anyone but maybe they didn’t want to see his dick just flapping around.
“Till"? Dude had a box of Trojans and a bushel of bananas Day 1.
And it's Florida, so we know it's only a matter of time till Florida Man fucks one of those monkeys
I definitely read it not only in Fisk’s voice, but imagined him standing stock still as he said it to a beaten and restrained Daredevil in a darkened room.
Alita on the other hand is an original work
Exactly! Superhero movies are critic proof. Batman VS Superman made $873.6 million.
I cannot imagine anyone who hears about a new MCU movie and thinks, “Well, I’d better check those Rotten Tomato scores before I buy a ticket.”
Art is a reflection of culture. Our culture has been stewing on the notion of toxic masculinity for a little while now.
I’m confused by this: I completely understand Rossum’s decision to leave the show, and have never expressed otherwise. My frustration has been with the terrible decisions around it, which we’re only now seeing the full impact of given that Rossum didn’t inform the producers of the decision until they were deep into…
“After watching so many scenes where Joel is horrified by Midge’s comedy, it’s a relief and pleasure to see Midge with a man who sees her for the star she is.”
Because of the way it was edited, for about 15 seconds I was convinced that Joel was going to give that $60,000 to the telethon. It would have undercut all the great character development he’s done this season to make such a gesture, and I’m glad he didn’t -- but what can I say, I’ve watched a lot of by-the-numbers…