
lololol colour balance, brightness, levels, these are all totally normal things to alter.

Looks like they did a pretty simple edit job. I've done more retouching on basic portrait work.

Jezebel has gotten mean and petty lately, and so have a lot of Jezebel commenters who fancy themselves above the the fray. The thread on how much better some commenters' writing is than the writer's of Jez, was just so...misguided and petty.

I believe someone said in another post that what she did was "replace the bride" at some point. As in, everyone turns around to see the bride make her entrance, and surprise! There's a fat black woman! Funny, huh?

I already commented but I'ma comment again...this is a bullshit ass "joke" and she's got issues for volunteering to clown. This aint even okay.

Why does it upset me that the point of this joke seems to be that there's NO WAY someone like Jimmy would even THINK of marrying someone like Gabby? I just... this is more sad to me than anything. And yes, even if Gabby is in on the joke, it's still sad.

LOL everyone knows no one would ever want to marry a fat black woman. HILARITY.

Okay I shall save you all the trouble and I volunteer to be That Person because somehow....I just didn't like the joke. It's like she's laughing at herself in a particularly self-hateful way like "Oh!! haha!! wouldn't it be funny IF Jimmy Kimmel were marrying a fat black chick!! Ahahahah!! But it's pretend!! Get it?

It is far from arbitrary, it is extremely rare that a fetus delivered before 24 weeks survives, if they do they often have serious defects. And no, you don't have to give up your rights to keep others alive, but you can't exercise those rights in a way that would infringe on another person's rights.

Actually from a legal perspective your argument doesn't really hold up. Prior to 24 weeks the fetus is not really alive, its not capable of homeostasis, meaning it cannot live without the mother. After this time there are different opinions on when it becomes viable and at that point it becomes legally a person,

As someone who supports abortion rights and has had an abortion myself, I have a big issue with optional 3rd trimester abortions. I think a lot of the arguments here are that most women wouldn't wait that long if they had access to resources earlier on, including cheap/free birth control methods and affordable, safe,

Yeah, definitely. If you wait so long that the fetus is viable as a baby, independent of the mother's body, then you need to carry that baby to term and let it be born. I think pretty much all pro-choice people without exception would agree on that.

As someone who has had an abortion in a state with a lot of resources and reasonable laws, I know just how relateively low the trauma can be—I was able to get one at 8 weeks, got in immediately, and was treated kindly and with respect. But, it cost me. Knowing so many women resort to this sort of treatment out of

"Wait...they're paying me in blow...and this dress doesn't have any pockets...Hey! HEY CAMERA MAN! Do you have a balloon? What about a condom? Huh? What!? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU CALLING 'EASY', ASSHOLE!?"

Yeah but China does it bigger and better. Just look at Neo-Manhattan. That is amazing.

To me, the saddest bit is about the girl who gained a centimeter, was found in breach of contract, and sent home $2000 in debt. At that age, it is not possible that you are done developing. It is completely and utterly ridiculous to expect that a 12 or 13 year old girl might not gain something around the hips or