
i cant believe you dont realize that the no. 1 person prop in all these shoots is the woman herself.

i was waiting for him to start transcendentally yelling about double rainbows.

no. i do the same thing.

howsabout less objectification of everyone?

i always tip really well, have since i was a child adding my own driblets of cash to the very little my father would put on the table. as per & obviously: i agree w/ the main point of this article.

ps. is everyone certain this guy is not a joke, say, in the potential manner of, say redux, the potential [redux] courtney stodden?

does anyone ever ever ever really go out w/ this guy? has anyone ever ever ever in his whole life?

drugs, drugs, it's drugs. i can tell you which kind but you can probably guess.

fyi: the music is one-eyed maestro by kevin macleod.

from listening to my friends', multiple, experiences w/ attempted-catfishers i think the real reasons people do it is to feel better about themselves. & this is by no means limited to confused young people; i have heard amazing stories, most of which were told by middle aged women [as per the stars of catfish & talhotb

no, we havent.

how much better it would be, at least for me, if he were, say, ten years older. cos he is really cute. & i never say stuff like that. but yeah.

ibid. thanks.

you didnt. & yr analysis, btw, is much much better than most of the rest i've read on this issue—almost all of which focus on the accent & not on the perpetual black happiness factor, which is, of course, the most racist bit of business involved.

i think she is asking you why it matters to you that yr calves & ass look nice.

thank you for making it not just me who says this stuff. really.

now me, i always wonder why the author who seems most invested in writing these articles on jezebel is a middle aged man.

whats wrong w/ it isnt that it's sexist—thats just way too easy, way too current. thinking something like that doesnt even require thought any more. it's just said, in fact, in anticipation of acquiring points. exhausting.

you really needed to use a guy for yr main photo. i know it's a stock photo but there must be one of a guy somewhere near food, looking slightly confused. cos women are told to modify what they eat 24/7/52/365 forever & ever & ever &, btw? always, too. for at least a half century, probably more, probably much more [if

isnt it possible any more to feel enough compassion for another person that the really truly tragic stuff she had to endure [& has conscious enough to admit so other women who've gone through similar might feel less alone]—