
from listening to my friends', multiple, experiences w/ attempted-catfishers i think the real reasons people do it is to feel better about themselves. & this is by no means limited to confused young people; i have heard amazing stories, most of which were told by middle aged women [as per the stars of catfish & talhotb

no, we havent.

how much better it would be, at least for me, if he were, say, ten years older. cos he is really cute. & i never say stuff like that. but yeah.

ibid. thanks.

you didnt. & yr analysis, btw, is much much better than most of the rest i've read on this issue—almost all of which focus on the accent & not on the perpetual black happiness factor, which is, of course, the most racist bit of business involved.

i think she is asking you why it matters to you that yr calves & ass look nice.

thank you for making it not just me who says this stuff. really.

now me, i always wonder why the author who seems most invested in writing these articles on jezebel is a middle aged man.

isnt it possible any more to feel enough compassion for another person that the really truly tragic stuff she had to endure [& has conscious enough to admit so other women who've gone through similar might feel less alone]—

as per, not quite but right on schedule:

oh for heavens sake, of course it wasnt meant as a slam on detroit. & she's telling the truth, too. she isnt that fat for detroit. in fact, she isnt fat for detroit at all. she isnt fat for most places. maybe a little chunky, you know, the type that just got told by the new york times [via whichever study the nyt, etc

in ten or twenty years you will feel like you have seen it all & all of it in whatever media we have in ten or twenty years—stalking astronauts, murdering scientists, etc & ect, on & on. & on & ON. maybe half a century ago all the little, personal stories wouldve been about sports stars & acting celebs, but now, you

i think he was probably too embarrassed to admit they'd never met, that they'd never seen each other in person. i mean, & as per this article, in fact—he's a football player, after all.

& you know that—how? cos i actually know—personally know—two people who went through the same thing. one is a guy. one is a woman. neither is stupid. the woman, in fact, is fairly well known. both were trying to respect the other person's boundaries. people who make up this kind of lie are slick. & out of all the

i dont normally like lindsay lohan—her life annoys me. i know way too much about it from the inside—but she isnt bad in this clip. her hair's bad, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. theres that. & she's always a little over the top. but in my very weary opinion, she doesnt do a bad acting job here. he—i know everyone loves

so help me, i think it's a stretch mark. pretty much everyone who is anyone who has boobs has seen at least one of those. could be a stress mark from clothing but it looks exactly like something i'd rather not have seen on myself immediately post-puberty [& i am sure both the mark & the sentiment is true of many

i dont watch television so i didnt see this in person, i didnt see anyone move, say, while wearing what theyre wearing. cos of this, maybe, i dont understand why people keep saying lena dunham looks bad. she often does, but not in these stills. in truth, i care nothing about her & her work—it doesnt concern me, never

i was once in a battered womans shelter w/ an exceptionally nice relative of george lopez [a blood relative, not his wife].

thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU for not making me the only person here who ever says stuff like this. i'm not even sure jezebel ever critiques beauty pageants any more. instead they seem to want to claim them.

everyone should have the right to do everything they want [unless it hurts someone else] etc & ect but—come again? why are we caring about the miss universe pageant? why?