
he almost ran over me w/ his black rolls royce one point one million years ago, when he was first famous & i was a kid.

oy vey. i've said this before & i'll say it again. the show he's on is bad. it's dreadful. it's ghastly. you dont have to be religious to know it, nor do you have to be sitting around in a dope pit while yr manic depressive, entirely too soon to be deceased crazyspouse flips out while this revolting show is on the

long before it became trendy i was raised as an atheist. if a person is pushed into life from this vantage point he or she is gonna see things very differently from someone raised more traditionally. thanks for this article. i am grateful to see that this position exists at all, at least outside of my own weary mind.

didnt notice, apologies. thats odd. things mustve changed between the mid-60s & say, 1970, when i start remembering stuff. i had no idea they still had newsreels in 65.

ibid. thanks. especially after isabella rosselini's fabulous work on the same topic. this is just cheap & trendy, more stuff we surely need more of.

i dont think it's a newsreel, i think it's just television. maybe unedited television. maybe someone's super 8 footage. dunno. cant remember 1965.

it's easy work, rehashing. & you know better than do i, you guys have deadlines & need as many clicks & click-throughs as possible, so the more compelling, screaming headlines & stories the better. thats all this is. if it were humane, then it would be laughable or ignorable.

you are about as old as i am & you are still worried about this stuff?

i know.

ergonomic chairs? yeah. been around forever. i remember them from when i was a little kid. a lot of the stuff in the article is at least that old, older, or heavily influenced by, yes, the old. otoh, almost every single thing in the article is grand. up to [or down to, depending on one's pov] the damned no longer

it's from the early 70s, not the 90s. a great lot of this stuff is.

it's not tobacco, it's tweek.

even more impressive: this is the second article hereupon on this clearly very important subject to be posted w/in six months. best guess? if you disinclude publications devoted to babies &/or coprophiliacs, this two in six business might hold the all time record. not that there needed to be one, of course.

it's not a good thing, really, for jezebel to continually hate on middle aged women. you dont know this—i dont know why you dont, i knew it when i was, yes, twenty four [24] years old—but yr gonna be middle aged way way faster than you know it. in fact, unless medical technology changes ridiculously in the next ten

i dont even think that she acted inappropriately. she couldve easily seen the patient's obsession w/ her as indicative of what the patient's reaction & potential obsession w/ other people might be. & she very possibly used that information to help the patient. no issues, there. in fact, since it was the patient

please do yrself a favor & look up transference. i mean this w/ all the kindness i can muster—which is entirely too much kindness, actually. i think it might make you feel bad at first, what this is all about, but make you feel a whole lotta better later.

unless you mean all current subcultures, yr first line is absolutely incorrect. most subcultures throughout history had, in fact, nothing whatsoever to do w/ fetishes of any kind. in fact, not only most subcultures but most people didnt even know fetishes existed as something w/ which to worry onesself. not cos all of

they couldnt do it, though, it would be illegal. the family might be able to be convinced to do it —at which whoever turned out to have been the most humane would then face prosecution. it's dreadful.

it really is time for analysis again. the last thirty years we've dropped even the pretense of worrying why things happen, we've replaced it w/ a kind of idiotic surety in medication, of all things, & the constancy, if you will, of provable science. but not everything we need to know falls w/in those bounds, & it has

it wasnt our business if he was sixteen. if the kid was six, then it was our business. if someone told me when i was sixteen i was not an adult cos of my age i wouldve done exactly what i did a year earlier & moved in w/ my exhusband, into my exhusband's parents' apartment, before he was my exhusband. i was in college